Part 19

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Harrison P.O.V:

Friday morning Marron practically skipped up to me. "You exited about tonight?" She asked, putting her arms around my neck.

I couldn’t believe I was dating the hottest girl in school!!! Well, I guessed we were considering she kisses me and put her hand in my jeans back pocket.

"Yeah, although I do feel bad-"

I didn’t finish my sentence because her lips were on mine suddenly, her tongue sliding into my mouth as she pushed me back against my car.

"Now" She smiled, pulling away. "What were you going to say?" She said, raising one eye brow.

"Nothing" I smiled down at her. Although I knew she wasn’t it was like she was putting some wizard spell on me.

She was all I could see in the busy parking lot.

Hexas walked over, his huge arm around Mary-Anna's shoulder, looking like he could brake her in a second, just a tiny shift in his arm and it was all over for her.

"Are you coming tonight?" Marron asked Mary-Anna, leaning back against me.

"Probably" She said shyly.

"Why don’t you come back with me tonight" Marron suggested. "I can do your hair and make-up, some of my clothes might even fit you"

Mary-Anna looked up at Hexas, who smiled at his sister. "That’s a good idea"

"Sure" Mary-Anna smiled up at Marron.

"We need to get to class" I said to Marron, locking my car quickly before putting my arm around her shoulder and she put her arm around my waist as we walked up the stairs into the school entrance.

"Is there any news on Joe yet?" Marron asked me as we walked to our locker.

I shrugged. "It doesn’t seem like anyone really cares, Mary-Anna seems pretty distracted from the whole thing"

Marron P.O.V:

I remembered seeing Joe's body lifeless in the woods before the werewolves ate him.

The image made me smile. I cared for my brother’s happiness more than a human boy. If Hexas wants a person killed for a girl, I'm always happy to help.

"Not sure" I said as I opened our locker, pulling out my books and waiting for Harrison to grab his.

Tonight I would make a move on him, I thought with a smile, like him or not it all came down to one thing for me. Money.

Love didn’t pay for nice clothes and shoes.

"What are you wearing tonight?" I asked.

He looked at me, smiling. "Isnt that something girls ask other girls?"

"Yeah, but I need to know what bikini top to wear" I smiled, "I couldn’t clash with you now, could I?"

He rolled his eyes. "Dark blue shirt and jeans"

"Good, I have a lot to work with then" I smiled, putting my hand in the back pocket of his jeans as we walked to first lesson.

I would never hold hands with a guy, it would be too personal.

Mr.Thomas was first lesson again and I smiled at him as I walked into the door.

He smiled back, flicking his hair back as he bent his head back to writing.

My god he's a hot teacher, I thought as I got out my books. I bet he was really good in bed as well, you could just tell by the small glint in his eye.

I was glad that the morning lessons flew by, I couldn’t wait till tonight!

Over half the school was coming to the freak show and the vampires had been told NO biting was allowed.

At lunch a few more people asked to come and I told them to bring there friends, the more the merrier.

"What about drinks?" Lewis said, his face annoyed as he watched me and Harrison kissing, which, by the way, he was totally good at!

"You pay for drinks" Hexas shrugged. "No age restriction"

"Awesome" Lewis said, high fiving the other guy named Terry.

"Seriously guys" Hexas said at me and Harrison. "Get a room"

"Already have one" I shrugged. "Its unavailable at the moment" I smiled.

'But tonight there will be a room and a very nice bed' I said in my head to Hexas, just to wind him up because he hated when I thought about all the things I love doing to guys.

I felt like a curtain close in my mind and I guessed Hexas had shut me out, I poked my tongue out at him.

"How many people you got coming tonight?" Harrison asked me, looking a little nervous.

I smiled at him. "Lost count, it wont be a problem though, theres loads of space in the club"

"Are there going to be vampires there?" Lewis asked, his eyes sparkling a bit more.

He was my kind of guy. Loved sex and had money. Sadly I can’t just steal all of it at once so I was working my way through both Harrison and Lewis. of course you have to work a bit harder when it comes to the virgin, you have to make then feel calm and be able to trust you first, its sad really.

"Lots of vampires" I smiled, "And of course the other super naturals as well"

Lewis smiled at me, that smile that I knew well. I made sure Harrison wasn’t looking before I winked at him.

Mary-Anna got in the back of the hearse and Hexas sped out the parking lot.

I quickly waved to Harrison as we past his car.

"So I'm thinking" I send, leaning forward on the back seat so my chin was resting next to where Mary-Anna’s face was. "I think red would suit you, or maybe a bright orange"

"I like red" She said, unsure.

Hexas looked at her, totally ignoring the road as he turned a corner without even looking. "Everything will be fine" Hexas said in a low deep voice, staring intently into Mary-Anna’s eyes.

She smiled. "I can’t wait Marron" She said, turning to face me. "definitely should be red"

'Sometimes I really love being a wizard' Hexas said in his head, looking back at the road.

I smiled and thought about clothes.

The Slut and The Golden Boy [ROUGHLY EDITED. WAS WRITTEN 3-4 YEARS AGO. BY TESS]Where stories live. Discover now