Part 20

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Harrison P.O.V:

I felt bad about leaving Avil for the night so I put her in my bed.

"Where you going?" She asked as I pulled on my dark blue shirt, spraying on some after shave.

"To a crazy place" I smiled at her. "But we’re not to tell Mama, okay?"

She nodded. "Are you going to run away?"

I sat on the bed next to her and she sat on my lap. "If I ever did run away, I would take you with me, I promise" I said, stroking her amber hair.

"Okay" She said, yawning.

"Come on" I smiled, putting her under the covers and tucking her in.

My mum wouldn’t be checking on me anytime soon, probably too busy reading the bible again to care, so I climbed out my bedroom window and jumped down the short drop it was to the grass.

I got into my car and drove quickly down the road.

The freak show was buzzing when I parked up in the nearly full parking lot.

There were a few people outside and round the back making out and I quickly walked in, looking round for a familiar face.

"Hey!" I voice called over the loud music.

I turned to see Marron in probably the sexiest outfit in the world.

It was a dark blue corset with a netted skirt that showed she was wearing suspenders and some other things I tried not to look at.

"Party looks fun" I shouted at her over Marilyn Manson- this is new shit.

"Come and dance" She said, taking my arm and walking me to the already full dancefloor.

There were a few people who I guessed were the super natural, they danced slowly, moving seductively to the music.

Marron put her arms around my neck, moving her hips against mine.

That felt so good!

I put my hands on either side of her hips to pull her closer to me.

She smiled up at me. She hadn’t put on any lipstick again and she looked way better without it.

After a few minutes she turned around and carried on rubbing up against my now hard on.

It felt amazing and I had to stop myself from moaning.

Marron P.O.V:

I could feel his erection through his jeans as I moved against him and I smiled, from what I could tell he seemed pretty big.

I turned around, putting my arms around him neck and whispering in his ear. "Come with me"

He smiled and nodded so I took his arm and pulled him through the crowed of people, Down the corridor where a lot of couples, mostly humans and vampires where making out. Black and a girl by my door.

Black quickly winked at me as I opened my door and then he bent back to kiss the girl, who he had pinned against the wall.

As soon as I shut the door I kissed Harrison, his lips against mine were hot and amazing.

I moved us and pushed him down so he was lying on the sofa and I got on top of him, straddling him waist, bending to kiss him again.

His tongue traced along my lips and my tongue met him as I moved my hips against his.

He moaned into my mouth and I smiled, taking his hand and slowly bringing it up to rest on my breasts. I put my hand on top of his and started moving his hand against my breast, making me moan.

He pulled away suddenly and I sat up on him.

"Look" He said, looking down at his hands. "I’ve never done this before I don’t" He said, blushing.

I smiled, putting my hands behind my back to undo the corset. "Its a good thing I know what I'm doing then, isn’t it"

I pulled of the corset and his eyes widened as he looked at my breasts. I bent back down to kiss him, slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt, revealing the big muscles on his chest and stomach.

Fuck, this guy was ripped!!

He hand a arm around my bare waist and his touch was hot, sending ripples of pleasure down my whole body.

He moved his lips down my jaw to my neck and I moaned, moving my hips against his.

I got off him and slowly, so he enjoyed the view, I pulled off the netted skirt and tights, slowly pulling off the black thong as he watched.

I smiled at him. "Take off your pants"

He did, looking nervous as he unbuckled his belt and pulled down the boxers and trousers.

I was right, he was big.

"Watch and learn Harrison because next time, your on top" I said, straddling his waist, slowly putting him inside of me.

He moaned as I started to move, his hands resting on my hips.

I bit my bottom lip as I slowly moved faster and looked down at him.

His hands were gripping tightly onto my hips and his eyes were shut tight.

I gasped as he came inside of me and I quickly faked an orgasm, one of my many talents.

His head fell back on one of the sofa pillows as I moved off him.

"Well?" I asked, raising one of my eye brows.

"Have no idea why I didn’t do that sooner" He said, looking up at him.

"Good" I smiled.

He moved suddenly so he was on top of me, lying between my legs. "Now I remember you saying something about me being on top?"

I had no idea how much a guy could actually do it!

I mean sure, I’ve done it all night but normally theres a break in there.

He fell asleep at around five and I smiled at him, now it was my chance.

I slipped from the bed, going to where he'd dumped his jeans.

His wallet was in his back pocket and I looked inside.

There was about forty dollars so I took half, quickly stuffing the money in my small pot I kept and putting his wallet back before going to lie down again next to him.

I was way too good at this.

The Slut and The Golden Boy [ROUGHLY EDITED. WAS WRITTEN 3-4 YEARS AGO. BY TESS]Where stories live. Discover now