The Starry Night

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Gray Fullbuster was going to his cousin Lyon's ceremony. For werewolves are separated into different packs. His pack's name was Fairy Tail but the one that Lyon was in was Lamia Scale. Both of the packs were far apart from each other. One was in Magnolia and the other on the other side of the land of Fiore. It was going to take a while to get there in time for the ceremony.

The ceremony that is taking place is a special one to every male werewolf has at a time. It is the one when the male has found his mate. They show them off at the big celebration and proclaim sometimes marriage or even having a pup.

Lucky him Gray thought to himself. Why was I invited in the first place it's not like he had any trouble at all.

Poor Gray he was stuck in the doghouse (didn't mean that to happened came to mind) his cousin was only 3 years younger than him and already found the one he was looking for. He didn't know the details but it happened at such a young age (for him though).

This is going to be a boring night for me Gray thought, I'm going to go to that stupid ceremony with a dumb smile on my face and just go with the crowd.

Few hours later at the ceremony...

"May I announce the happy new couple in our pack Mr. Lyon and Ms. Meredy" announced the leader of the Lamia Scale pack.

*clapping noises*

The couple walked down the large stair case that was in the middle of the ballroom. With everyone still clapping they waved at the crowd of proud werewolves that were in the midst of eating the dinner they served for the venue of the ceremony. *enter an image of a fancy ballroom with people* Lyon and his mate walked up to Gray who was eating the meal they were serving at the time.

"Gray Fullbuster my cousin I haven't seen you since the last ceremony" said Lyon with a smirk on his face, "Still haven't found her yet I see what a shame for you to not have a companion of your own."

Gray felt like punching him in the face but he couldn't not in front of all of the guests they had at the venue. But he only put a fake smile on and said,"For now I'm alone tonight but I know she's out there somewhere waiting for me to find her scent and sweep her off her feet." he proudly said to him in his face then stormed off outside of the venue.

He didn't know how long he walked for but after leaving the venue he walked into the forest. Being in the forest about a mile away he transformed into his "wolf form" (werewolves have two forms the human form and the wolf form they can use their wolf form mostly at night but when in a full moon night their true power is on full) and ran until his paws were a little sore.

He wanted to find his mate so badly that from all his frustrating he howled up towards the moon. After he howled his nose smelled something very sweet. Is it her he thought it must be her have to find my mate. He followed the smell until it got very strong. His gaze meet a beautiful girl in a little blue strapless dress that was not too fancy for her to wear. Her blue hair was in loose curls that reached to her hips. Her body was curvy and her legs were long. He can make out that her eyes were the color of the sky in the day. He transformed back into a man and took a step forward but she took a step back instead.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he said to her.

"How does Juvia know that you're not like the other men that are from that awful pack Raven Tail" she said with disgust in her voice.

"My name is Gray Fullbuster I'm not from Raven Tail I'm from Fairy Tail and I think that your my mate" he blushed right after he said the words.

She blushed too; her face was as red as a tomato. She smelled the air around her and looked surprised she was so caught up in staring at the moon that she didn't notice the sweet smell until now. She walked towards Gray who was still gazing at how wonderful she looked in the moonlight. "Juvia also thinks that she has found her mate as well" with a smirk on her face.

Gray blushed at how close she was to him that he stumbled over a rock and fell backwards. Trying to stay in balance he grabbed the nearest thing to help him up but it was Juvia and dragged her down with him to the ground. With a thud the two fell to the ground that was full of leaves since it was October. She was on top of him and he was on the bottom. Both of them gazing into each other's eyes they were mesmerized at how they fell in love with each other the moment they smelled the air around them.

Nothing could disturb the moment until there was a howl in the air. Juvia jolted her head up and looked around it was her pack leader calling her to come back to the guild. She looked back at Gray and with a sad look in her eyes she kissed his cheek and got up from him. Out of instinct he grabbed her wrist and said,"Wait when can I see you again Juvia?" She turned her head around and said to him,"Juvia doesnt know Gray-sama but Juvia will find a way she promises." She was running away but stop mid way and yelled,"Find my scent if you want to find me again Gray-sama!" She started to run again and just like when he found her she was gone the moment he blinked.

Right when the mood was good too he thought I will find you Juvia I will never forget your scent. Never.

To be continued...

A.N: Hello I'm new to Wattpad and I wanted to find out if I got a good story so far and if you want me to continue then just leave some good comments
P.S. I would love to have some followers for my account
Arigato and

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