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Juvia's POV

*before meeting Gray*

I was invited to this ceremony in the Lamia Scale pack territory. Since my sempai Ultear is going to be there I guess it's going to be all right.

Oh I almost forgot I'm from the Phantom Lord pack that is on the outskirts of the land of Fiore. My pack is a really nasty one if I have a say in that. I'm from a selective group in my pack were called the Element Four. We don't know exactly why but the four of us in the group are the guardians of the pack. The Alpha of the group who we call Lord Jose watches over the pack with strict rules on what to do.

I always have to get permission to go to places and if I don't report to Lord Jose I will get punished severally. I shiver at the thought every time I think about it. I walk into our guild room which I always find it in a mess. I go through all of the junk just to get to our Alpha's chair to greet him with a bow.

"Juvia Lockser here asking permission to speak Master." I lift up from my bowing position. "You have my permission young wolf." He said in a stern voice. "Ano Juvia would like to go to this ceremony that is being held tonight at the Lamia Scale packs territory with your permission my Juvia go to the ceremony?"

He looks at me with a dead cold eyes. "What is so important about that party young wolf?" "Ano my sempai Ultear will be there and..." "And what speak up" he yelled I flinched at his voice. I had to make up an excuse to go. "I want to see if I can bring back some more members for our pack Lord Jose." He raised his bushy eyebrow up and said,"Well if that's the case then you must go for the good of the pack." I bowed to him once more, "Arigato Lord Jose I will do my best I'll see you in the morning."

I ran back to my room to get myself ready for the ceremony. I've never been to a ceremony at all I've always heard of them since I'm in this pack I have always missed out on al lot of fun events. I'm already 19 years old and have never been to a party I'm such a failure to myself and what's even worse I haven't even found my mate yet and once I turn 20 I will be called a Loner I don't want to be called anything else but Juvia.

I thought I met my mate his name was Bora but he wasn't the one he only made it worse for me. He said that my aura always made him gloomy and that really hurt me to the core. I was in a state of depression until Lord Jose found me and brought be back to the pack that I'm with right now. I'm a little bit happy but still feel out of place here in the pack.

No more sad thoughts Juvia you have to get ready I thought to myself shaking my head.

After going down memory lane I took a nice shower and picked out a cute dress. The dress had a little blue tone to it and was one of my favorites to wear whenever I had the chance to. I did my hair in my usual style loose curls and I put a headband to separate my bangs from my loose curls to give it a sort of pop look on my face.

After I was done getting ready I got the next train that stopped at Lamia Scale's territory entryway. Once off I got out the invitation to the ceremony to give me entry into Lamia Scale. It was very nice the reception then I heard the trumpets play to announce the Guest of Honor. I didn't really know the man much but only his first name Lyon. The man at the top of the stairs announced,

"Ladies and Gentlewolves I present to you the happy new couple to our pack Mr. Lyon and Ms. Meredy" O • O

I clapped along with everyone then walked out of the ceremony until I reached the nearby forest. I always liked being alone it helps me clear my thoughts when a whole lot of stuff happens all at once.

I look up at the full moon that is up in the sky. The full moon has always been my light whenever I feel down at times too but tonight was so special that I couldn't look away.

Until I heard the sound of crunching leaves. I turn around and spot a black wolf staring right into my eyes. The wolf transforms into a man right in front of my eyes. He took a step forward but I took one back because I didn't know the man.

"I won't hurt you." He said with a small smile on his face.

I asked, "How does Juvia know that you aren't from that awful pack Raven Tail?" I've had some awful encounters with the pack before and almost ended up in the hospital from the fight. He said, "My name is Gray Fullbuster and I'm not from Raven Tail I'm from Fairy Tail and I think that your my mate." I blush at the comment he just said me his mate then I smelled the air around me he was right it smelled so sweet and it led right to him. I walked towards him and said, "Juvia also thinks that she has found her mate as well" He stumbled backwards and grabbed onto my shoulder for support I think.

I was on top he was at the bottom I looked into his eyes deeply and he looked at me the same way. I was inching in towards his face when I heard Lord Jose's howl I've almost forgotten about my mission I'm going to get it now once I get back to the guild.

I look back at Gray who was still under me and a look at him with sadden eyes. I get up from him and right as I was about to leave he grabs my writs and saids, "When can I see you again Juvia?" I look into his eyes and say, "Juvia doesnt know Gray-sama but Juvia will find a way she promises." I start to run back to the train station and head straight towards the guild. I have to say it was quite an exciting night for me in almost forever.

Gray Fullbuster I hope we meet again soon and I mean very soon. I look out the window and see the full moon, Thank you for all of this. The train stops at my packs territory and I get off of the train. I see Lord Jose with a mean look in his eye and said, "Did you recruit anyone for the pack young wolf." I shake my head no and walk by him. He turns me around to face him eye to eye and said, "I thought you would recruit some more wolves little one but now I'm filled with disappointment instead of pride."

He lets me go and whispers in my ear, "You won't get off that easily little one you have a duty to fulfill to the pack understood." I nod my head and head straight to my apartment.

The only two things that are on my mind are my punishment tomorrow and Gray my mate that I just met. After a eventful evening/morning (because it was from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. so do t know what to call it) my eyes feel heavy and I nod off into sleep.

To be continued...

A.N: I hope you like this chapter it took me awhile to think of it but it was worth it.


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