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Dedication: larrystylinsonvevo because your story 'Barbie' is why I got more into cross dressing Harry and stuff. Love your stories btw, especially 'Taming Mr. Tomilson.' :)

New story, I'm really excited! Baby Harry up there, he's such a cutie.


Louis couldn't believe he was doing this. Couldn't believe that he was actually driving to some stupid yoga class, all because Liam, his therapist, thinks it'll be good for him. Like exercise will actually help him become a normal human being, who doesn't scream every two minutes about every little thing. Because believe him, he's tried.

Louis goes to the gym on the weekends, and it never really helped control his rage. Instead, he'd usually get angrier when the person besides him could run faster on the treadmill then he could, or that he couldn't lift as much as the man across from him, which usually ended up with someone getting injured. It was usually Louis. He couldn't help it, alright. He wanted to be better than everyone else, and just like that one day where he tried lifting more weights than the guy next to him, which ended up with it dropping on his chest. Yeah, it wasn't one of Louis' proudest moments.

Speaking of driving, Louis was currently stuck behind a line of cars, which haven't moved since the last ten minutes. He groaned and slammed his hands against the wheel, his eyes glancing up at the time frequently. He was supposed to arrive at the class thirty minutes ago, and here he was, stuck in a car while Justin Beiber's voice bounced off every closed window. He banged the radio closed, and rolled the window down, peeking his head out of it.

"Hey, hurry the fuck up!" He shouted, catching the attention of some of the police officers that stood besides the wrecked cars. Somehow, two cars managed to ram into each other pretty hard, which forced them to hold up all the traffic. First, everyone had to wait for the police to arrive, and then they had to wait for all of the legal work to take place. How amazing.

"Sir, please be patient. The road will be cleared up soon enough." The man's stern voice told him, which made Louis roll his eyes.

"Oh yeah, and how long will that take? Listen man, unlike all of you, I actually have somewhere to be. So, hurry up and tow these cars, so we can all leave. Thanks," Louis shot him a fake smile, and watched as the rest of the officers turned and stared at him intimidatingly. He wasn't scared though, he was pretty sure he hadn't done anything illegal yet. Therefore, he was free to use his freedom of speech and inform everyone of his opinion. Like he always did.

"Please do not tell us how to do our jobs. The tow truck is coming soon, so be patient. Otherwise, you could get a special ride in one of the police cars, back to the station. Would you like that?" Another man asked with raised eyebrows and a satisfied grin settled across his face, which made Louis scoff. Did he actually think that Louis would back down from an argument? Ha, never.

"Actually, I'd love that. Maybe I could have some donuts and coffees down there, wouldn't that be fun?" Before they could answer, Louis leaned his arm back into the car and grabbed his cup. "Seems like I've got the coffee down actually. I'll wait for the donuts, a glazed one for me please. Ooh, actually I think a strawberry sprinkled one would be better," he pretended to be deep in thought, before continuing. "Hmm, you know what, both would be good. Two of those please," he grinned at them.

Louis watched as the same officer began moving closer towards him, but he stopped in his tracks, once a tow truck pulled up besides the scene. He sighed and gave Louis one last look, which made the other give him an enthusiastic wave, and began marching back towards the truck.

Louis hummed and watched as the damaged cars were piled upon the truck, and they eventually drove away. As the police officers began leaving as well, the cars in front of him began moving. He grinned triumphantly as he passed besides the same officer, and sipped his coffee as their eyes met, before taking a turn.

Pretty In Pink (l.s.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant