Chapter 2

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(Picture on the side is Natalia)

Natalia's POV

''I'm not going to the party'' I yelled. Just to be clear I don't hate parties I just don't want to go to this particular one. ''Why'' my best friend of 7 years said whining. She knew exactly why I wasn't going. ''You can't make me go''. ''Yea I can, if you don't get dressed and do your makeup and hair I will cut your head off and put it in the freezer'' Sage said threatening me. Now this wouldn't scare me on a regular basis but I knew she was serious and would carry through with it. I reluctantly agreed to the party which made her jump up and down like a little girl.

(2 hours later)
''Omg I look hot''. Sage turned to look at me with a I told you so look at which I laughed. I am so not ready to go to this party I thought. Yeah maybe I am visibly but not mentally, I can't see him. I don't want to see him only God knows what would happen if I did. ''Come on girly it takes like 20 mins to get there and it already started'' Sage screeched at me. I swear she will be the death of my ears one day. Sage playfully glared at me. ''Oops I said that out loud didn't I? She nodded her head still shooting daggers me. I smiled innocently and yelled NO REGRETS!!! Sage scowled which then turned into an evil smirk. I became frightened at the sudden facial expression. I knew she was gonna get me back I just didn't know when or where but I knew exactly why. I ran fast to the car and got in and buckled my seat belt. Sage followed soon after. We pulled up to this mansion like place the owner of the party would call their house. My mouth was hanging open and I swear a fly flew in. Sage pulled me up to the door and the smell of alcohol hit my nose. We walked in to blaring music, flashing lights, people grinding on each other, and couples sucking each other's faces off. I grimaced at the sight. It was then that I realized I was alone. Typical Sage left me to go party harder than she needs to. Great so now I'm all alone. Just gotta love Sage. I start walking around and pushing through all the sweaty bodies....gross. That is until I come across a really wasted guy. He's slurring some words in my ear that I don't understand and I don't want to understand them either. I try to bolt but the rock over here grabs me and pins me to a wall. Now normally I would be able to fight this guy off but not in this attire. ''We are going to have some fun'' he said and I shivered as his lips touched my ear. At the exact moment he was about to go for my lips, he was ripped off of me by a familiar looking guy. I stared intently as this guy who I may or may not know beats the crazy guy on steroids to a pulp. That's when it clicked that familiar looking guy was Vincent. The steroids guy was on the floor unconscious. I wasn't really surprised considering Vincent was a really good fighter.Vincent turned his dark angry stare to me. I tried to bolt (again) but he grabbed me by the waist and carried me outside. This is exactly why I didn't want to come. Damn you Sage.

(Photo is Sage)

(Photo is Sage)

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