The Morning After

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When he awoke the next morning Missy was gone. His heart sunk. He hadn't expected her to leave without a goodbye. Especially not after the way she had shown him affection even afterward. But her clothes were gone and the brooch was missing from the table. He had to admit it stung. But what did he expect? It was the way of the hunters. They could never really get too close to anyone because they were always on the road. More than likely as soon as Koschei was dealt with Missy would be off in the opposite direction as him. It's just how things went.
His thoughts however were interrupted at the sound of his doorknob being wiggled open. He pulled the side table drawer open, pushing the bible aside to pull out the blade he'd used on Koschei.
To his surprise though, when the door swung open it was Missy, fully dressed and bearing bags. "Oh dear." She gasped when she saw he was awake. "I had hoped to be back before you woke up..." She muttered. "My apologies. I needed fresh clothes. Picked up some breakfast while i was out."
He let out an audible sigh of relief, placing the blade back in the drawer. "Thank you." He smiled at her.
She walked over, sitting down beside him and handing him a bag of food. "I'm sorry." She apologized again. "I didn't mean to.. I didn't want you to think I was skipping out on you after last night...."
He waved a hand through the air, dismissing it. "It's fine." He took the bag of food from her opening it up and pulling out the glazed donut. "Thank you." He smiled at her and leaned over to give her a kiss without even thinking about it.
She blushed a deep shade of red at his kiss, but returned it nonetheless. A hand went to her lips after they had parted. She was a bit caught off guard. She hadn't really expected their fling last night to turn into anything more than just that. At least she had prepared herself for a situation of the like. But he clearly harbored feelings for her she hadn't expected.
"Sorry..." He apologized, noticing her reaction to his kiss. "I wasn't thinking, I know I'm just..."
She shook her head, leaning in to kiss him again. "You're not 'just' anything Doctor John Smith." She assured him. She went back to her own bag of food, pulling out her own cream filled donut. "I wasn't sure what you liked. I figured I couldn't go wrong with donuts." She smiled, biting into hers. The tender moment between the two of them gone. He'd hardly even had time to react.
He nodded, thanking her for it again and started in on his own donut. His mind was reeling, however. What was he to her then? They'd barely known each other for more than a week. How could he have the feelings he did for her? And more yet how could she reciprocate them as she seemed to? It didn't make any sense to him but she clearly didn't want to talk about it at the moment. So he'd let it go and not get his hopes up. There was always the possibility that she didn't really mean what she had said. Or it meant something completely different than how he'd perceived it.
She finished off her donut and stood to retrieve his laptop off of the small desk. "Best get to work then if we are going to track down our succubus." She flopped back down next him as he finished his donut. She opened up the laptop, going straight to work.
She pulled up a few websites; one news site, one lore site, and a chat room for people claiming to have had experiences with demons. Most of the time it was just people looking for attention, or making up excuses for their own wrong doings. But every so often there would be a few truthful ones. That's what they were looking for. If Koshei was really back she would be feeding every night. More than likely more than once. There was bound to be a few statements of people who'd been attacked.
The Doctor watched over her shoulder. It was strange to him how alike they were in this aspect. He'd learned while they had been trying to track down the vampire nest that their Intel gathering methods were very similar. "There." He said pointing to the screen at a survivor's claim. "That one."
She pulled it up to full screen reading it to herself. "This was two nights ago. There were no accounts from last night." She pointed out. But as she read the claim it seemed credible. It was from a man claiming to have picked a woman up in a bar and taking her back to his hotel. Of course they got more than a little intimate and he was caught off guard when she got a bit rough with him but he hadn't thought much of it. It wasn't until the next morning when he didn't wake until nearly noon and still felt completely drained did he think anything of it. He had never been worn out and looking back on it she was hardly his type. But for some reason he'd been drawn to her. But what really made him think she was a succubus was her blazing red eyes; a trait he'd discredited as contacts at first. But he didn't remember them being red at the bar.
She closed the post and scrolled down. There were several similar accounts for the past week since the Doctor's meet with her. All centered around a small town just outside of London and not too far from the town they were staying in.
"It's strange that there weren't any accounts from last night..." He muttered, glancing over at the clock. It was nearly one in the afternoon, surely if they were going to post something about it it would have been up. Maybe the victims were in denial. Or didn't believe it. Or were dead. But surely there were multiple attacks in a night. There was no way all of the victims would believe in demons much less find their way to the same site.
Missy shrugged. "I don't know. It doesn't make much sense to me either. Why would she break the trend after nearly a week?" She contemplated it for a moment. "Maybe she's graduated to not leaving victims. That's what had happened before. She'd... Well she'd fucked them to death."
The Doctor shook his head, he certainly hoped that wasn't the case. But it was very possible. "I don't know. But it seems we have a trip to make. Go talk to these people in person."
She agreed with a slight smile, closing up the laptop and getting to her feet. "Best you put some clothes on first though, love."

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