
14 0 1

Just a normal day for Jessica, Stuck in her boring runt.

After a few minutes of walking, she remembered something. This was usually the time her friend Destiny would be running after her trying to visit her home.

But, she didn't come to school today. Making a mental note she remembered to go check on her around dinner time to see if she was alright.

Walking towards her house she walked on the highway. It seemed more darker than usual, just the clouds were dark like something bad would happen.

Ignoring the negative feeling, she reached her small house near the forest.

She found a note on the table from her father, “Gone to your uncles for a few days. 30 dollars for food and car keys in the garage. -Dad”

Jessica placed the note aside leaving space for her books on the table. She yawned thinking about taking a nap before going to visit her friend.

She walked up the stairs.

Her room was comfortable and girly, yet today it had an uncomfortable atmosphere. Pushing away the feeling she laid on her bed, closing her eyes.

She slowly drifted off too sleep.

Awhile later, Jessica felt a cold chill make it's way up her back. She shivered opening her eyes.

Her window was wide open, her curtains blew in the cold nighttime winds.

She had sworn the window was closed when she had went to sleep. Pushing away the strange feeling she closed her window, locking it.

Jessica made her way downstairs. She shoved down a small meal of salad and beef.

Reminding herself she checked the house phone answering machine.

There was one message from Destiny, She played listening.

“Hey, Jess. Listen can you meet me at the old park we went to as kids. Meet you there around ten. Later.”

As the message clicked off she checked the time, not very long ago. It was almost time to go. Confused of Destiny's strange request she didn't question it much. It was the park she always went to as a child. She probably just wanted to catch up on some child memories.

Jessica locked her house door stepping out into the cold night. Each step felt strange for some reason, as if fate wanted her to stay home. Just a strong scared feeling.

She ignored the feeling once again. Thinking back at old memories she thought back at memories she had at that little park. When her friends and her would play there, They sang and played. She could remember the one song they sang...

“Ring around the rosie.

Pocket full of posies.

Ashes, ashes.

We all fall down.”

She felt as though a big piece of the song was missing. She sighed.

Jessica walked into the dark wooden area. She turned on her flashlight. The air was tense yet strangely calm.

In the distance was a dark play structure, rusty and plain. It had everything swings, a seesaw, a slide, and one of those spinny things.”

She sat on a bench, Destiny was always late. So expected her be there later.

Jessica decided to think of more childhood memories. Her old friends, Destiny, Tyler, Annabelle, and Mitchell. She felt as though someone else was suppose to be there, another person who she couldn't remember.

A sudden pair of arms embraced Jessica, she let out a scream before grabbing the arms.

“Dear Jesus, Destiny.. You startled me.” She laughed.

The pair of arms gripped her tightly with affection.

“Hey, Destiny? Are feeling alright?”

“No one said I was destiny...”

Jessica's heart began to pump quickly. She jumped up from the bench turning around quickly. The person hugging her was indeed not Destiny.

Her eyes sunk in deep in her skull from lack of sleep, she had scars all over body, her clothing of a loose tank top and studded shorts crusted with blood. She had a large axe to the side of her.

Her grin was Psychotic and evil.

“Oh Jessica... I missed you over the past ten years... Your pink frilly dress, and beautiful long blond hair. Always the perfect one with the rich father...”

“W-who are you?”

“I think you know... Deep in that pretty little head of yours. I have a name, a name you know.”

“Elias?” She asked in a shaken voice.

“That's right.... Little Elias. The kid who never wanted to stop playing, and never will end her childhood. All of you grew up, leaving behind our treasured memories. I took Tyler. Or he found me, Annebelle left us, and I found Mitchell myself. Now I have you and Destiny.”

Jessica knew exactly what she was talking about. Annabelle and her mother passed away in a car crash, Tyler ran away, and Mitchell was abducted.

“What do you mean, You found us?”

“I only wanted us to be together, Forever... So I already took Destiny, now it's your turn!”

“No...” Jessica began to dart away into the woods.

“Oh how splendid! Hide and Seek! I'll count!” Elias tightly gripped her axe. “1... 2... 3.. 4...”

Jessica ran through the thick bushes and trees trying to find her way back.

She stumbled forward from tripping on a tree root. She turned to turned to see to her horror, her bestfriend, Destiny bloody and hanging from a tree.

“No!” She cried out, tears streamed down her cheek.

Jessica heard a faint yell from a few yards away, “Ready or not, here I come!”

She quickly crawled behind a large tree. Muffling her cries, she listened. The wind blew softly. the trees danced with each gust of wind. She heard faint echoes of singing.

“Ring around the rosie.

Pocket full of posies.

Ashes, ashes.

We all fall down.”

She heard her voice getting closer, the sound of her dragging her heavy axe behind her.

“Ring around the rosie

What do you suppose,

we can do to fight the darkness.

in which we drown.”

Her axe began to swing

harshly hacking away which ever crossed her path.

Jessica prayed she wouldn't find her and go away.

“Ring around the rosie

This evil thing it knows

Lost ones around me”

Jessica sat silently. Everything went silent.

A good solid 15 minutes passed and she heard nothing, She stood up ready to dart away once again.

A strong hand gripped her wrist. The large axe lifted above her head. Her eyes looked into Elias's The stared at each others eyes.

Tears filled both of theirs. A large grin spread across her face.

Elias leaned to Jessica's ear. Her breathing was ragid and dark

she whispered out in a dark tune.

“I can't fall down...”


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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