Chapter 1 : Some Words Are Easier Said Than Done

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" What is destined will reach you, even if it be beneath two mountains.
What is not destined will not reach you, even if it be between your two lips. "
- Imam Ghazali

Chapter 1 :

Some Words Are Easier Said Than Done.

In between the hustle and bustle of the crowded place, she spread the prayer mat in a corner near the ICU in the direction of the khibla and fell down in sujood. She was in her own world now, unaffected by the people around. She raised her hands in prayer for this was the only hope. The pain inside her heart made the eyes blurred with hot tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped those tears with her cold hands. How she wish she could wipe away the pain dwelling inside that helpless heart the same way. Her life was taking a tragic turn. The person she was the closest to was fighting with the battle of life and death. The person who understands her better than anyone ever could, was probably taking the last breaths of this temperory life. She did not complain for the situation she was in unlike many because she was mature enough to know whatever happens, happens for a reason, unknown. A silent ray of hope was still alive and it was all to soothe the neverending pain dwelling inside this innocent heart.

The door of the ICU opened and the doctor stood silently infront of the family who were waiting for a positive response but all in vain. That single ray of hope eventually started drowning when he finally spoke.

"..... It's the last stage and I am sorry to inform but we wouldn't be able to save the patient even after putting the best of our efforts. And these might be the last few minutes, you all may go inside to meet the patient. But don't lose hope, have trust in Him. "

Though it was his daily job and he often said these words to the heartbroken families of the departed souls but still these words were never easy to say.

Those words did hurt her but they were not something unexpected. She folded the prayer mat and stood up to go inside the ICU but stopped at the door. She did not have the courage to meet her. The burder of her pain and sufferings was too much for this young heart to bear.

"Sammy, she wants to talk to you.." Ismail looked at her and he knew what his sister was going through.

She nodded at him and wiped her tears and after taking a deep breath, gathered all the strength she had and went inside the ICU and looked at her. Noticing her presence, she weakly smiled.

" Dadi...."

She went closer to her grandmother who laid weakly and plastered the brightest of the smile that she could fake at present, those swollen and red eyes told a different story though.

Mrs. Nadia held her grand daughter's hand and a tear escaped her eye. Sameera could not pretend anymore. All the efforts she did to hide those emotions for so long were wasted in a jist of a second and she broke down and sobbed her heart out. She knew she had to be strong but as young as she was.

"...... Don't cry my child, you should be happy for me. I am going back to the place where I came from. Allah SWT gave me a beautiful life with my children and grandchildren. What else does a woman of my age want?" She wiped Sameera's tears with her shivering hands.

Being a grandmother she loved all her grandchildren but she was always more affectionate towards Sameera. Her innocence, her approach towards life and her firm belief in the Almighty made her different from the rest. Even after being the daughter of one of the millionaires of the city, she tried to keep her life as simple as possible. Luxury for her was not something we often assume it to be. She believed a beautiful heart is above all the comforts a person can ever have. Her belief in Allah SWT was firm. She knew He was there by her side always, no matter what circumstances life puts in her way. Unlike many, she never boasted about the high rank her family holds in the society. Though she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth but slowly and gradually as she grew up, she never considered herself different or superior to the orphan children she spent her time playing with in the nearby orphanage, where she was often accompanied by her grandmother. Her approach towards life made her different from others. Mrs Nadia was often worried about her. She did not want Sameera's innocence to become a barrier to deal with the evils of the society she might have to face with time.

" Before I die, I have something important to say to you all. Take it as my last wish. "

Mrs. Nadia had taken this decision a long time back but never talked about it openly to the family but now it was time. Both her sons were present with their families and she did not have much time. Sameera had already guessed what her grandmother has to say to everyone because she had discussed this with Sameera earlier, though she had disagreed to her grandmother's decision then, but somewhere deep down she wanted it to happen.

" Ammi, nothing will happen to you In Sha Allah. You have to play with your great grandchildren too." Her elder son, Ahmad went closer to his mother and tried to lighten the atmosphere and Mrs. Nadia smiled at his son, a helpless smile.

" Zohair " She called her grandson who was standing at a distance looking at her with a sad smile.

Sameera who was standing near her grandmother tried to take a step back but Mrs. Nadia held her hand. Her faint assumptions were now somewhat confirmed.

Zohair went near his grandmother and stood next to Sameera. Mrs Nadia put her hand forward towards Zohair and he held her grandmother's hand. Sameera could feel her throat drying, her face heated up. She didn't know how to react. To mourn about her grandmother's condition or to be happy about the biggest dream of her life coming true.

Mrs. Nadia put Zohair's hand on top of Sameera's hand. Sameera was startled at first, those butterflies who were in a deep sleep were all charged up now.

" Zohair beta, promise me. Promise me that you will fullfil your grandmother's last wish?" With hopeful eyes, she asked her grandson to fullfil the only wish she had, thinking it's not a big deal for him but little did she know.

He at first hesitated, but did not want to hurt his grandmother who was lying on the death bed.

" I promise, I will. " The coldness of the words and the arrogance in his voice was noticed by none, but her.

Some words are easier said, than done.


Assalam Alaikum lovely people.
How did you find the beginning?
This chapter was a bit depressing but there is a lot more to come which would be pretty interesting In Sha Allah ;)

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-Ayesha :)

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