Chapter 4

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 I stayed in bed most of the day, not wanting to get up until it's time to go out with Jungkook. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 11:00. I sat on the edge of my bed, checking my phone while waiting for Jungkook to wake up. When I put my phone down, Jungkook sat straight up breathing heavily. "Kookie? Are you okay?" I asked. He looked over at me, "Oh yeah, I just had a bad dream." He told me. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. It must have been a scary dream. I walked over to his bed, sat next to him and put my arm around him. Being near him makes my heart warm. "It's okay, I'm here Kookie." I assured him. "Th-thanks Tae." He wiped away his tears and we started getting ready for the day. 


 I took a step closer, walking on the platform. I look to my left to see the train coming at a fast speed. I took one last breath and stepped off the platform in front of the train..

  I bolted upright, breathing heavily from my dream. Is it bad that I wish it was real? "Kookie? Are you okay?" I heard Taehyung ask me. I tried not to show how embarrassed I was that he saw me like this. "Oh yeah, I just had a bad dream." more like a dream I want to come true, I thought. I started to cry from embarrassment and how much I want that dream to come true. I've never felt like I have a purpose in this world. Taehyung walked over to me and put his arm around me, my heart started to beat faster and I tried to avoid eye contact. "It's okay, I'm here Kookie." He told me. Taehyungs presence does make me feel better. I went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day while Tae got dressed in the bedroom. When I came out of the bathroom, Tae was laying on my bed on his phone. I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, Suga was standing there. "Get ready, we have dance practice." He told us. "Damn, I nearly forgot about that." I replied. "The members will meet you next door." Suga said as he walked out. I'm glad the studio is right next to our hotel. I decided to change my shirt to a more comfortable one. As I took my shirt off, I thought I could see Tae looking at me from the corner of my eye but I'm probably seeing things. Who would want to look at me? "Ready?" I asked, turning to Tae. "Yeah, lets go." He replied, not facing me. 


 Jungkook was getting changed for dance practice and I couldn't help but stare. He has a beautiful body. Muscular and slim. "Ready?" He asked me. "Yeah, lets go." I replied, not facing him so I can hide my blush. When we were in the elevator I spoke up and asked, "Are you excited for tonight?" "Sure am." Kookie responded. Thats good, I thought. Not excited as me though I bet. We got to the dance studio and greeted the members. "Jungkookie! Finally you're here." Jimin shouted. "Hey chimchim." Jungkook said back. Everyone got into their positions to practice for the first dance for the song, "We are Bulletproof  pt2". We continued dancing for hours, practicing all the songs for tomorrow nights concert. "Oh gosh, that's enough exercise for today." Namjoon stated. "I can't argue with that." Suga said. We all walked out of the studio and headed back to the hotel. I checked my phone for the time. It's 4:00. I might have a nap before me and Kookie go out tonight. I'm so tired from practice. I walked into our hotel room and Jungkook jumped onto the bed. I collapsed next to him. "Time for a nap." I said while trying to subtly move closer to Kookie. He smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep. 

 [ a/n: please leave your feedback in the comments! also, i do not hate jungkook, i do not think he is ugly and i know that he doesnt actually hate himself and wants to die. i am just making it up for the story! let me know if there is a bts member you want me to include more and if you have suggestions for the story then feel free to comment or message me! xx thanks for reading ]

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