Chapter 3

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Here’s chapter 3 hope you like it.

Chapter 3

Zed’s P.O.V

Sitting on the couch I was openly staring at Cammie. A big goofy grin was plastered on my face probably making me look like a crazed pervert but I couldn’t help it , she was back. Cammie, my other half, my soul mate was finally back and I was determined to tell her what she meant to me.

My body was itching to get closer to her instead of sitting on the other side of the room for her. I could still feel her small frame under my big one and my fingers tickling her sides. My hand started to twitch as a lock of her wavy brown hair fell onto her face blocking my view of her brown eyes. Sighing deeply I reluctantly closed my eyes in an attempt to tame the urge to grab her and make her mine forever. Just as I had just about settled down a laugh that sent chills down my spine ringed in my ears. Snapping open my eyes I seen Cammie laying on the couch with her legs dangling over the arm rest with tears running down her flushed cheeks as musical laughter came from her mouth.

A small smile formed on my face as she panted for breath. Wiping her tears away she looked over at Sean, John and Michael with a grin on her face. Marcus who was standing above Cammie shock his head with small chuckle. Cammie turned her grin to her brother which he mirrored. Lifting the top half of her body she allowed Marcus to sit down. Placing her head on Marcus’s lap she started to talk to the others but I didn’t hear what she was saying as I was to busy glaring at Marcus’s hand as he ran his fingers through her hair. Jealousy filled me and a low growl slipped through my clenched teeth. Four sets of eyes snapped in my direction all but one of them filled with confusion as to why I was growling the other however were glittering with humour like he knew what had changed mt mood.

“Why are you all staring at Zed like he grew a second head?” My eyes snapped to the person who had just spoken and my expression softened as I gazed into the melting pools of milk chocolate. “Emmm, Zed are you ok?”

Blinking I mentally shock my head and nodded at Cammie. Standing up I walked out of the room mumbling that I was going to bed. Sighing I ran my finders through my hair as I made my way up the stairs to my room. Stopping at the door I turned to look down the hall, the last door on the right was Cammie’s, the room that was on the opposite side of the house from mine. I sighed again about the great distance between Cammie’s room and mine, at least it was a great distance to me.

Once again I shock my head and walked into my room. The walls were painted a dark blue with a black closet on the left, a flat screen tv mounted on the wall to my right with a black couch in front of it. My desk was in the corner covered in papers and books and my bed was covered with dark blue sheets. Padding further into my room my toes sunk into the soft black carpet before I threw myself onto thee bed.

Closing my eyes I thought sleep would take hold of me but I as soon as I did all I seen was soft brown eyes staring back at me, smothering me. The brown orbs got smaller as a small delicate face with rosy pink cheeks and was framed by dark brown hair appeared. The image got further away and the face grew a fragile body with curves that made me drool. All I wanted to do was reach out and grab onto her and crush her to my chest and never let her go. But she got smaller and smaller making me more desperate and then she disappeared.

My eyes shot open and I was panting heavily. My arms were in the air trying to find something to hold on to. Trying to find her. But they never did  because she wasn’t here, she was down stairs were I had left her with everyone else.

Rubbing my face I tried to get her out of my mind but the more I tried the more I thought about her. My body began to move on its own, to tired to fight it I let go of my control. Seconds later I was laying down on a soft bed. Moving around to get comfortable I took a big breath and inhaled the most delicious smell ever. Breathing in again the smell of strawberry’s and chocolate filled me and I fell into a deep sleep with one thing on my mind. Her.

Sorry its so short I found it kinda hard to write in Zeds point of view but fingers crossed I get better at it.

Love ya’s all

Lindsey <3

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