What are You? Chapter 2

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Two chapers in one day go me! lol. again im sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. And please give feedback and tell me who you think the characters look like in your head.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to DylanCollins cause he was the first person to comment on my story so thank you!! 

This chapters song is Tickle You from Mr Men. I found it on you tube and thought it went great with the chapter.

Anyway hope you enjoy reading my story and if not please tell me nd i'll see what i can do.

Lindsey xx

Chapter 2

Cammie’s P.O.V

Zed carried me through the house and I must say I have a pretty good view back here. The view being his butt. Closing my eyes I shock my head to get rid of the perverted images of Zeds butt from my mind. Opening my eyes again I made sure not to look down but instead looked around the house I grew up in, the house I haven’t been in for three years and have dearly missed.

Talking about missing things, I’ve missed my boys too. But jeez when’d they get so bloody buff! Their arms look like their made of steal and I’m sure they all have 6 packs. At lest one thing hasn’t changed about them though, their still the immature lovable giants I left behind before going to… boarding school.

Shaking my head once again I reminded myself what I had been saying all the way here; knows not the time to think about that stuff, it’s to be as normal as possible and spend us much time as I can with the people I love before I have to go again.

Looking around again I noticed that the corridor has been redecorated from the sunny yellow I remember to a warm cosy red. A small table sat at the front door with a dish on top filled with what looked like spare change and keys. We.. I mean Zed walked further down the corridor passing the kitchen, living room, dinning room and the family room and I instantly knew where he was taking me. The games room.

As if on cue we passed under a door frame and I was threw onto a soft well worn grey couch. Looking up I glared at a smirking Zed.

“You don’t throw a lady you know.”

Zed’s smirk grew as he said “Tell me when you see a lady and I’ll make sure not to throw her.”

I stopped myself from glaring at him but instead made my eyes start to water. Zeds smirk was swiped of off his face and he knelt down beside me his face scrunched up in pain. Smirking internally in triumph I decided to see how far I can take before I crake. Turning my head away from him I made a tear slip from my lid and it slid down my cheek.

“Cammie I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it.” pain clear in his words. “look at me Cammie, please.”

When I didn’t turn my head he placed his thumb underneath my chin and made me face him. Another tear rolled down my face and I heard a sharp intake off breath. Zeds breath.

“Cammie please don’t cry I didn’t mean it.” he tried to explain as he wiped the tears away. “Cammie please talk to me I didn’t mean it really. Please talk to me I can’t stand you not talking to me.”

Looking him in the eyes I smirked his face a picture of confusion. “That’s what you get for not giving me a hug when I told you to and for throwing me over your shoulder.”

Sticking my tongue out at him I bolted for the door but strong steal like arms wrapped around my small waist pulling me to an abrupt stop. I shivered as I felt his breath on my neck and felt him smirk as I did so. Placing his face in the side of my neck I heard him inhale my scent. Shivering again as his breath touched my neck I tried to get out of  his iron like grip but he wouldn’t budge.

“You’re not getting away that easily after the little stunt you just pulled.” his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered and I had to hold my breath to stop the small moan that was trying to make its way up.

This cannot be happening, I mean come on, he’s my brothers best friend and little sisters don’t moan over their brothers best friends even little ones, its just not done!

After that little pep talk in my head I opened my mouth to tell Zed to get off of me but instead of words coming out it was a giggle. Oh no, please don’t be doing I think your doing. But of course luck wasn’t on my side today as I felt Zed’s fingers darting over my sides tickling me causing more giggles to erupt from me. I sagged in his arms as he continued to tickle the life out of me.

“What are you doing to her?” an amused voice asked.

Looking the doorway I saw Marcus, his face the same emotion as his voice. I wiped the tears that dared to leak from my eyes away and looked up. Zed was hovering over me, his hands on my sides and his legs on either side of mine. His chest which was covered in a tight black shirt heaved as he tried to calm his breathing down. His face was inches from mine his plump kissable lips centimetres from mine and our noses brushed each others with every breath we took in and his dark brown almost black hair rested on my forehead. Then there was his eyes, oh my god his eyes, the dark blue orbs looked directly into mine and I found that I couldn’t make myself look away from his glaze. Emotions flashed in his eyes but the most prominent ones looked like love and lust.

Mentally I shock my head. He would never feel that way about me he’s my brothers best friend and I could never return his feelings. I have to much to do before I fall for someone and that someone can’t be my Marcus’s especially his best friend. And anyway I have someone out there who was made for me so there’s two very valid reasons why I can’t crush on Zed and there’s at lest one why Zed can’t crush on me.

Putting my awesome acting skills back into place I pushed on Zed’s chest laughing. In one fluid motion he was on his feet, his expression unreadable. I turned back to Marcus who was still standing by the door but was now joined by the other and were all wearing amused facial expressions.

“Zed decided he wanted to kill me so naturally he started to tickle me.” I told them my voice strong.

I had changed over the three years I’ve been away. The small hyper girl who blushed and stuttered at little things and could lie to save herself was gone. I was still hyper and of course small, but I’ve become confident and strong and can lie without really having to think about it. I’m not the innocent girl they knew anymore, there are things they’ll never now, things I can’t tell them and things I never want to tell them.                    

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