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Sunday – 8:00 o'clock AM

Mrs.Oh commanded one maid to wake up Hayoung for breakfast. The maid went up and went to Hayoung's room. It only takes two times to wake up Hayoung, after that she's already awake. Hayoung thanked the maid for waking her up and not forgetting to greet her "Good morning"

Hayoung went down, she greeted all the maid and butlers "good morning". She always greet them every morning, afternoon and evening and not even forgetting to say thank you everytime. That's why all of them in the house loves her. She went to the dining and saw that her parents were already there.

"Hayoung, dress up nicely later, we'll have a dinner with the Oh's later." Mr.Oh said

"You mean, with Sehun's parents?" She asked

"Yes" Mr.& Mrs.Oh said in unison.

"Okies. By the way, mom and dad, I'll be going to Sehun's house tomorrow until Thursday. Then on Friday and Saturday, he'll come here again." Hayoung infomed them. "And later, Sehun and I will go to the supermarket to buy something for the project." She added.

"Okay. Just don't forget to text us on what time you'll be going home." Mrs.Oh said.

Breakfast was finished, Hayoung went up to take a shower. After she took a bath, she picked up her phone and saw a text from Namjoo

From: Kim Namjoo

Hayoung, are you free today?

To: Kim Namjoo

Yes, but @ 3 onwards, I'll be going somewhere. Why?

From: Kim Namjoo

Oh. I see. The oldies are planning to go shopping today. Are you coming?

To: Kim Namjoo

Yeahp. See you later. Just text me where we'll meet.

Hayoung asked permission from her parents if she could go shopping today with her girlfriends. Of course, her parents agreed. Hayoung thanked them. Hayoung changed her outfit into casual. She used her car to go to mall where Namjoo told her.

11:15 AM

Hayoung went to a restaurant searching for her friends if they're there already. Luckily, she spotted Bomi's blonde hair, she approached the table, welcoming her. She sat down in between Chorong and Naeun. They started odering when the waiter approached them. They ordered Buffalo Chicken Salad, Chicken Fingers, Roast Beef Cheddar , Turkey Provolone, Pizza and French Fries. When the waiter was done taking their orders, the girls started chitchatting.

"Guys, I've got something to tell you." Bomi said smiling at them.

"What is it?" Chorong asked while the others are looking at her. Bomi showed her right hand and there was a shining ring – Legacy Cut Diamond Ring. The girls gasped in surprise.

"Omo!! You're getting married!!" "Congratulations!" "We're so happy for you!" "When is the wedding?" Questions and statements could hear among the girls, all of them are speaking in unison.

"Yaah, calm down guys. I cannot understand what y'all saying" Bomi laughed "The wedding will be next year, summer." Bomi added.

"When did he propose to you? Yesterday? The day of your 5th Anniversary?!" Eunji asked

"Yeahp, I was startled when he proposed to me, everything was so perfect that time." Bomi said with dreamy eyes. "And yeah, mom and dad was so happy about it. They were also behind Baek's proposal." She added.

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