Chapter 2 - Worries of a brother

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Raph hung his legs outside his hammock trying to relax a little, but he was so tensed up this night. He argued with Leo, then with Master Splinter and now he was fuming. He was used to fight with his father and the resident worrywart turtle in the lair, but tonight it was different. Tonight his brother was called up in his father's room where Splinter taught him a lesson. Raphael was the one that did all of the trouble, yet Leo was the one that was reprimanded and chastised. Raphael was the one that hurt his older brother. Raphael was the one with the short circuit and fighting Leo all the time. But, Splinter chose Leonardo this time. Leo hear the words that were meant for him... Not him, Leo. Again his older brother took the fall for them, well this time only for him, but with all the guilt that he shouldered over the years. He was thinking of what could Master Splinter possibly have to say to Leo about his act? Maybe their father was tired of his son's act these past few months. Whatever it was, it wasn't okay. Leo was in Master Splinter's room for 3 hours and counting, and nothing could be heard, not a yell, not a whisper. He wondered what they were doing inside for so long that they didn't make a sound. Suddenly it clicked him. Right after that, Raphael left his room just to see his brother leaving Splinter's room. The look in his eyes was unreadable. He couldn't read his brother. What happened inside? Leo was enigma to him his whole life... Well from the moment that he was named leader that's it. Since then Raphael felt that his brother wanted to show them all that he was superior, show him that he was superior, the leader, the best of all four. He didn't realize the emotional turmoil going on in Leo's eyes as he continued walking towards his room and the resignation with which Leo closed his door. That wasn't the brother he thought he knew. That was Leo the protector that sacrificed his life to get them on the right path and out of trouble. Raph was the one that was the harshest with him, always picking on his weaknesses. And to think that they were friends once upon a time...


How could his brother be this stubborn? It was true that Raph was wrong this time too. It was a reckless mistake that could've led to something bigger, if Leo hadn't intervened. Raph apologized thousand times. And thousand times, his older brother chastised him. Raph snapped and challenged Leo. He accepted. They sparred. Scratch that, they fought like two crazy turtles, until something in Leo's left arm snapped and Leo did all in his power not to scream. He tried hard not to reply to his brother. Leo tried to be calm, but that didn't work with Raphael. Leo's feelings were raw from the insults and things he heard from his hotheaded brother that he lost balance and fell backwards on his shell clutching his arm so tightly he thought he heard another snap. He couldn't take it anymore. He begged Raph with his eyes to stop fighting with him, but he seemed like he didn't listen to his pleas. His eyes widened in shock when he heard Raphael yelling at him. He lifted himself from the floor, backing up from the approaching form of his younger brother. He was scared that Raph would want to hurt him more. Suddenly he found himself backed up against a wall and it took all of his courage not to scream. Raph's words caught up to him and he completely shut down.

(End of flashback)

Raph saw the fear in Leo's eyes as he tried to back up and get far away from him. He had to thread carefully in those waters. He decided that he would go with a simple question, although Leo deserved an apology and a talk. But, Raph was always short on words... He worked with punches most of the time.

"How are you Leo?"

Leo just looked at his brother and saw the change in him, but he was still scared and his emotions were still raw from the fight. The talk with Master Splinter helped him, but he couldn't face Raphael. Not yet. Raphael hurt him both with his hands and with his words and he wasn't prepared to let go off that. If only Raph wanted to talk...

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