Chapter 2

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Felicity had sworn to herself she would wait until she was nineteen before dating anyone that wasn't her mate. She hoped she would meet him sooner. But then again, meeting one's true mate depended so much on luck, she almost regretted the oath she took. Hadn't Blake waited for a thousand years and Andreas eight hundred years?

According to the werewolf law, no werewolf should wait more than a hundred years before mating. Although werewolves didn't age like humans, only looking one year older each ten years starting from their first shift, the law was established so they didn't go extinct like the weretigers and werelions. Nevertheless, Felicity was a lone she-wolf so she didn't have to obey the rule.

It was her first day at college, and she was hurrying to her next course when she bumped into someone. The person's things dropped to the floor and Felicity bent to help them out. When reaching out for a book, her hand touched the stranger's hand, she felt tingles erupt upon contact. Her eyes darted to the guy's face for the first time since she bumped into him, and he looked as startled as her, if not more.

Her mate was handsome, she could give him that. His brown hair fell on his ears in a smooth cascade, framing his square face, reaching just below his jaw, while his deep brown eyes reminded her of melted chocolate.

"Hi," despite her best efforts, her voice sounded husky. Her belly tightened in anticipation, excitement rolling off her in waves.

"Hi," was the simple reply.

Was he human? She wondered briefly before catching his scent. It was strong, and she felt an aura about him that told her he was a werewolf just like her.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you," she blurted out when he didn't say a thing.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking either."

She couldn't understand why he was closed off. Did he not feel the tingles?

"What major are you in?" She asked, curious to know all there was to know about him.

"I'm not a student here, I'm a lecturer," he informed her flatly, his arm tightening around the book he was holding.

She let lout a little "Oh" at that. Forbidden romance, just like Blake with Maria. This was going to be interesting. "What do you teach?"

"Modern literature," was his clipped answer.

"So I'll be seeing you in class later," she told him simply before leaving, a silly grin adorning her face despite his clipped answers.

There was a little skip to her step as she headed to her next class. She couldn't believe she had met her mate at college. After having no such luck at the werewolf camp she had gone to the summer before her senior year, she had thought she'd have to date someone before finding her true mate.

She was so excited, she could barely hold still in her English writing course. It took all her efforts to focus on what the lecturer said and not let her mind wander to her hunk of a mate.

She'd be in his class after lunch, only she decided to skip lunch and directly headed to his class. When she neared it, she could hear kissing noises thanks to her enhanced hearing. She thought to herself that the two students who were occupying the class should get a room but she refrained from entering and waited the half hour she had before class just outside it.

She was surprised when the door opened to reveal her mate with a leggy blonde that looked absolutely stunning in a knee-length dress that showed her curves without being slutty.

Jealousy flared into her at once, and she had to clench her hands into fists so as not to attack the woman.

Her mate looked surprised to see her but nothing about him seemed apologetic.

"Can I have a word with you?" She asked him just when the blonde left and she closed the door behind her.

"Make it quick. Students will be arriving soon."

What was wrong with him? Surely, he must have felt the tingles. Felicity didn't understand what the cold look was all about.

"I'm your mate." She told him bluntly, looking at his face in an attempt to read him.


Her earlier excitement dropped down several notches.

"What do you mean "so"?" She was outraged he felt so little about meeting his true mate.

This could not be happening. Not to her. Not when she had made an oath to wait for her mate.

"I've never seen you before. You don't belong to my pack, nor to the Wild Crescent's pack," he retorted calmly. "As far as I'm concerned you're a rogue."

Did he mean he was an alpha when he said his pack? It must be so. His aura was that of a strong wolf.

"No, I'm not a rogue. I'm just a lone she-wolf," she argued right back, thinking that maybe it bothered him that she was a rogue as he put it.

"So you say. The thing is I'm about to mate Lynn in two weeks and our packs are going to merge. I don't need a mate who doesn't even belong to a pack to slow me down."

Slow him down? So this was what his cold demeanor was about. He wanted power beyond everything.

"But I'm your true mate. You'll be stronger by mating me."

"I'll have more territory if I mate with Lynn," he argued right back, unyielding, his deep brown eyes defying her to refute his claim.

Felicity tried to calm herself down. Maybe she could make him see reason if she were given the chance. Only students began to fill in and she was therefore forced to take a seat.

If he thought his giving her the cold shoulderwas going to make her give up so easily, he had another thing coming. She'dshow him she was just as worthy of him as this Lynn he was so intended onmaking his mate. 


That's it for today. 

What do you think is gonna happen next? Let me know what you thought of this chappy in a comment ;)

I'm still in need of a cover so please help me out.

Until next time, 

tk cr


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