The Journey Part 5

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               The Carrot traveled for months, and they soon turned into years and the more that the Carrot thought about his destination the more he mourned for a friend, a life, a soulmate. Just kidding, this story is not that deep. But he was wanting a friend like really bad, like clingy bad. But the carrot knew that there was nothing that he could do besides wait and sail on. One night as he was trying to go to sleep he looked up at the sky and realized that, there was no sky. He was really confused and so are you. But there is an exclamation, he was underneath a canopy of trees but not just any type trees, he was under guacamole trees. I know what you are thinking, where do Guacamole trees grow? 

(I know that this was a reallt short chapter but I wanted it to be suspenceful the Carrot story will be geting more exiting I promise new parts will come out once every week mabe twice I have been real busy and cant let the story mess up my schedual hope you keep reading the next chapter should come out as late as Wensday Febuary 3 2016)

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