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8 am. Who in the world wakes up at 8 am on a Friday? Actually, a better question, who, that I know, wakes up at 8 am on a Friday and comes to knock on my door?

It's a known thing in my small circle of acquaintances that I don't wake up before 12 pm. It started after Dominic and I started dating, when my schedule had been abbreviated to afternoon classes only for my senior year. I had all but my science and english credits so I didn't need to have a full schedule, and the school was aware of my home situation so I was blessed with the option of having a short schedule. Ever since then, anyone I've ever known knows that I need at least a full 12 hours of sleep to function like a coherent member of society.

So, when someone comes banging on my apartment door at 8 am, I can only assume they have absolutely no idea who I am.

I wrap my white comforter around my body and walk like a zombie out of my bedroom and to the front door, where the persistent knocking continued. I finally made it to the door and looked through the peephole, a frown etched into my face. I violently swing open the door to reveal Maggie, standing there, looking like it was 3 in the afternoon.

"Why." I growl, my voice scratchy from sleep.

"It's Friday." Maggie said like it was obvious, her petite body pushing passed me and into the apartment.

"Maggie it's 8 am. EIGHT AM. I don't wake up until 12! You do realize you're jeopardizing my mental and physical well being?" I say dramatically before laying down on the couch.

"Get over it, Aspen. We have some work to do if we're going to make you a star for tonight." She wiggled her eyebrows up and down quickly.

"No. Nope. Get out now I can't believe you woke me up at 8 am to get me ready for something at 5!" I screamed and she rolled her eyes, completely unfazed.

"Come on, Aspen. We can go get breakfast, what about IHOP? I bet it's been a while since you've had breakfast food." She chuckled at her own stupid joke and I rolled my eyes, but my stomach made loud noises. She was right, as usual, it had been about a year since I'd had breakfast food for breakfast.

"Fine, we can get breakfast. But not IHOP." I said sternly and she giggled like a school girl before she grabbed my hand and pulled me into my bedroom.

I grabbed a dark green cropped hoodie, and threw it on with a pair of black high waisted jeans. "Hurry up, Aspen. We don't have all day. Just throw your hair in a bun and lets go." Maggie says and laughs at my attempt to tame my hair.

I take her advice and put it up into a bun before sliding on my white converse and dragging her out the front door.

"I never noticed you have freckles, Aspen." Maggie said thoughtfully as we hop into her car. It was a beat up old Nissan that her mom gave her when she moved to California in January. She never told me why she left Texas, but I don't like to pry into people's privacy so I'll let her tell me on her own time.

"Yeah, I normally cover them up. I'm the only one in my family that has them." Besides my brother, I think. My mood instantly takes a downfall when I think about him and I try my best to push it to the back of my mind.

"They're cute," she comments while merging into the left lane.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously as I notice that we are headed away from downtown.

"Denny's, since you apparently have something against IHOP, and there's one about 10 minutes down the highway." Her focus is entirely on the road ahead of her, and that's something I love about her, her caution on the road, her appreciation for life.

The rest of the ride is spent in silence, but neither of us try to fill it and we just enjoy each other's company and the silence that surrounds the car. My eyelids still feel heavy, and I can't help the glare that takes over my features as I look over at Maggie. She takes an exit off the highway and in front of us is the Denny's I was promised. Maggie wastes no time, she parks in the first spot she can find and practically runs out of the car. I laugh at her and her love for food. I have to quicken my pace to keep up with her, and I quickly latch onto her arm in an attempt to slow her down.

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