Are You Okay?

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She stood at the back of the room, blending into the wallpaper as if she was a part of it. Milk tea brown hair strewn across her face as she looked out of the window, her eyes unseen yet shed with loneliness that no one really seemed to understood. Her hands unconsciously ghosted over her scars from last night, which she also had unconsciously uncovered for everyone to see.

A voice startled her out of her musings. She was so shocked that she almost fell out the chair she was sitting on. Her eyes widened as she looked up, only to look at the owner of the voice that had almost rocked her world on its axis.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked. Deep worry lines etched on his forehead, his clear blue eyes filled with confusion and apprehension. She only looked up to him, eyes still wide.

Anthony just stared back at her. He noticed the paleness of her complexion, the bags under her eyes, and yet he couldn't deny the beauty that was lying underneath. Her eyes, matching her hair, were like a deer caught in the headlights. Seconds, maybe even minutes ticked by that they didn't move, but suddenly the girl just bolted out of her seat, nearly tripping and headed for the door. All he was left was the slight passing smell of her vanilla scent.

The school was buzzing with rumors the following week. Anthony wasn't able to follow what was really going on.  The first issue he heard from someone would be different from the next one he passed by in the hallway, and he only got to pick up some traces out of it.

He then asked his friend, Ian, about it. He said that a senior's younger sister, sophomore Helena Williams, was found dead in the bathroom lying in her own blood. While they were walking, they passed by a tribute set up for her. His mind instantly recognized the girl from last week, the one who ran away from him.

Standing meters away from the tribute was her older sister, Serena, sobbing onto her hands as her friends tried to comfort her. She talked, even through her tears. "She was so young, so full of potential. I didn't even notice her as she slowly withdrew from what she used to enjoy. I just found her on the bathroom floor, and she was holding this note," she paused for a couple of seconds, sniffing and gathering herself. Then, she continued.

"There was her handwriting in it. 'He asked me if I was okay,' it said. Then there was a smear of blood beneath--" Serena broke down in tears again, as her friends resumed on rubbing her back and whispering words of support. They walked away as Anthony was stunned by what he just heard.

He wasn't able to see, think, or hear anything. He was just so overwhelmed; things happenned way too fast for him to comprehend. His knees buckled underneath him, and he collapsed with his hands gripping his hair tightly. His mind was a blank canvas being painted with black violent strokes. Emotions rose from his chest and was slowly crushing his heart, almost rendering him of his breath. 

His head bumped on the floor, the darkness quickly reclaiming his consciousness.

☩ ☩ ☩

Short O/S inspired by a heartbreaking post I've read on Tumblr. I can't find the post. And yes, I used Smosh's names. Heh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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