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For the rest of the day I was in the Void, doing research. No matter what I looked for there was nothing I could use. The Drum spell looked good, but I don't think earth can take that power. After all the books I was hopeless. "Lord?" I looked at the monster,"Yes?" She looked down,"Do you want some Gnorm?" I nodded and she handed me a goblet. "Leave!" With a grunt I fell down on the chair. That's when I got the idea. Why do I not create a new spell to brake the bond? It can be only made by me and only I can use it. It would be an ultimate weapon for I can also use it to boil people from inside and take their powers. I made a notepad and pen appear and started writing. When I was done, I smiled in pride. Before me lay the Broken spell. The words were: £€¥,¥/$^ (On you I bestow the Broken spell). $@÷/&#=_ (You will be free of any bond). I also added the two curses. #÷^$&£ (You will feel pain). #÷_/@# (Your blood will boil and flow from your body!) The last was, !%/@&;&*:/€&$_ (With these words I take all your powers and banish you to the Void!) It was written in my sacred language and impossible to brake or understand. I was ready to free myself and win this war! With an impressed smile I flashed to camp.

Percy Jackson The Son Of Chaos: New EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now