Chapter 2

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"I don't care who you are! You could be the bloody king of England and I wouldn't care! Apologize to my sister!"

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Why should I? If you and your sister had been watching where you were going we wouldn't have collided!"

"Oh! You're just about the most disrespectful, loathsome, creature I have ever met! You need to get off your imaginary high horse and apologize for not only being an idiot but also for knocking down innocent women!" Angel snapped.

They argued on and on for five-minutes straight, a small audience slowly forming around them to watch. Lafayette suddenly spoke up, unable to deal with the constant arguing.

"Oh, enough! Angel, stop it!" She said as she grabbed her hand. Angel immediately stopped, glancing in her sister's direction. "Let's just go, alright?"

Angel made an angry face before sighing. "Oh, fine but if I ever see this guy again I'll personally kick his lights out." Angel mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

Lafayette gazed at the man before smiling, "Excuse us, sir. I'm afraid we weren't looking where we were going."

Angel gave her sister a dumbfounded look but sighed with much exaggeration. "Excuse us; you big sack of manner less meat."

The man growled at her and she growled back. The sparks that were flying around them were almost flammable. Lafayette pinched her and she winced.

The man glanced at Lafayette, interest in his eyes. "You are forgiven. And excuse me if I caused you any harm, Ms.?"

Lafayette blinked, "Hugh. Lafayette Hugh and this is my sister Angel."

He blew a humorless breath, "Angel? How generous of your parents."

Angel glared at him. "Oh, bug off! Let's go, Fay!" She snapped as she pulled her sister along.

The man moved in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. He kept his eyes on Lafayette, "I hope I haven't offended you."

Lafayette blushed, her brown cheeks lightening, ", no harm done."

Angel frowned.

He bowed slightly before gracing Lafayette with a smile, "My name is-," Angel cut him off, "Your name is irrelevant to her, you might as well continue on with what you were doing before you rudely bumped into us because there is nowhere in bloody hell that I would ever let you court my sister after that. Now, if you'll excuse us. And, sir? I hope you have an awful day." Angel snapped as she pulled Lafayette along behind her, leaving the man staring after them.

He watched them go with a frown before smirking slightly. That woman had a viperous tongue, he would give her that. They were beautiful women but he preferred his women more mild tempered.

"Lafayette," He mumbled to himself, rubbing at his stubble. He'd find out where she lived and he'd get permission to marry her. He didn't have enough time for courtships. She'd have to do.

"Your majesty!"

He sighed before turning toward the voice, "Boris, stop screaming. I'm right here for God's sakes."


"He was handsome; you can't deny it, Angel." Lafayette mumbled.

Angel tsked, "Who cares? He was a brute! A complete ass." The two had ventured straight to their grandparents estate after the incident, and encountered their cousins, rehashing the whole incident.

Leo, one of their cousins, laughed. "God, I wish I could have been there to see you go off on him. You temper is as explosive as Trinity's."

Trinity smacked Leo on the back of the head, his head of short curly hair bouncing.

"Don't bring me into this, you chicken butt." She snapped at him.

He rubbed at his head before smirking, "Oh, you know it's true. You two used to scare away every boy who even glanced in either of your direction. Isn't that right, Alex?"

Alexander smirked, leaning back into the couch cushion, "You two are rather violent when you get angry."

"Not all of us can be as nice as you and Lafayette. You two take everything in stride." Trinity said with crossed arms.

Alexander shrugged again.

"See," she said pointing to his reaction to her words, "you take literally everything in stride."

"He gets it from uncle Aiden, you know." Lafayette said.

Leo laughed, "What happened then, Angel?"

She smirked, "Nothing. We just walked away. He didn't dare say a word. Not a sound."

Leo shook his head, whistling, "You probably scared the poor man to death. You and that temper are a force to be reckoned with."

"I suppose." Angel said before leaning against the wall. She let her eyes roam over the room. Her whole family had been blessed with beauty. Her cousin Leo was a lady's man, his boyish good looks were a big tribute to his success. He looked the spitting image of his father, Adam, all except for his blue eyes, a feature he had gotten from his mother.

Alexander was just as quiet as his father, Aiden, and he was just as handsome as well. He was not much of a skirt chaser but his eyes, his eyes were always roaming.

And then there was Trinity...God, she was beautiful. She had striking hazel eyes adorned by the trademark Hugh curly hair. The only difference is her hair was a lovely brown color that gleamed in the light, a feature that she had gotten form her father. She was just as gorgeous as her mother, Jewel, and men flocked to her like moths to a flame.

Angel's mind began to wander back to the mysterious man from before. She didn't want to think of him as anything but a brute but he had been handsome. His voice had been rather...attractive as well. She frowned, too bad he was an ass. She hadn't found very many men around her attractive and now that she finally had she was angry for it.

Of all the men to be attracted to, she chose the asshole with no manners. She tsked irritably before standing up straight.

"We had better go. Our mother's going to kill us." Angel said.

Lafayette's eyes widened, "Crap! The carrots! She'll strangle us!"

Angel shook her head, "Blame it on the rude bastard who knocked into us."


Viktor sat with his arms crossed. He was more than irritated. He needed a wife and he was pressed for time. He refused to marry the spoiled brat that had been thrust upon him by his aunt.

He sighed, rubbing at his stubble once more in thought. "Did you find her?" He asked Boris, his advisor.

Boris wiped at his sweaty forehead and nodded his head. "Yes, sir. It's a rather nice estate."

"Her family?" He asked.

"Her grandfather is Adam Hugh of Hugh shipping. We've gotten exports from the company before. Rice and sugar to be exact."

Viktor raised a brow, "So, she comes from wealth? How convenient..."

"Yes, indeed, sir. We won't have to put her in any initial etiquette classes."

Viktor sighed, "Good. The sooner I get her and marry her, the sooner we can head back. You know how she gets when things don't go her way. And she's convinced that I'll fail with my wife hunting."

"Of course sir. Shall we head over tomorrow morning?"

Viktor nodded, "Sounds promising, I suppose but you and I both know it won't matter what time we go by."

"Why do you say that, sir?" Boris asked.

Viktor frowned, his eyes staring out of the window, "Who could say no to a prince?"

Boris smiled, nodding his head in agreement. "Very true, your majesty. Very true indeed."

*It's going to be fun writing the dialogue between Viktor and Angel, their tempers are very similar, it'll definitely be entertaining😂*

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