Chapter 23

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Author's Note

To Jess and Nargs, thank you for allowing me to use your names :)


"Mia!" exclaimed Daniella, rushing in to the administrator's office with two girls following her.

"Hey Dani," she greeted, hugging her friend.

"Mia, this is Amy," she gestured to the taller girl, "and this is Narcisse," she gestured to the shorter girl. Both girls wore friendly smiles. After introductions were made, Amelia collected her timetable and some slips of paper that she needed to have each teacher sign and return at the end of the day.

"Okay, let's see what you have," said Daniella, grabbing the timetable from Amelia's hands, "alright, you have English with Amy, then Music with me, Math with all three of us, Science – aaw shucks, you're alone, and biology with Narcisse. Don't worry, we'll walk you to science class."

"Thanks guys," said Amelia. The four of them set off for their lockers. Amelia's was placed in the general area of her friends', and luckily for her, it was conveniently located close to her English class. She stowed her violin in her locker, and then walked to English with Amy. Amy walked in to class and stuck her bag on one of the seats closest to the door, then sat down in the desk next to it. Amelia went up to Mr Mason and introduced herself.

"Welcome, Miss Cullen," he said, handing her a reading list and a folder of worksheets, and signing the slip for her, "I hope you have a pleasant experience here. The books on this reading list are available at the school library, but check with your brothers and sisters, they might have copies for you to use. I've gone through your transcripts from your previous school, you do have some catching up to do I'm afraid, but I reckon you should be alright. The worksheets are in here. I've highlighted the literature we have already covered, I daresay you have probably read them all already."

Amelia glanced at the reading list, "It's just the Shakespeare I'll need to read, I've read everything else on here. By when do I need to hand these worksheets in?"

"You don't have to hand them in as you won't be graded on them, it's more a case of giving you the work so that you know the style of questions that I will ask in finals. But if you have a spare moment and feel like doing them, then just bring them in when you're done and I'll take a look for you. If you need any help with anything, pop in and see me."

"Thanks Mr Mason," she smiled and went to sit down next to Amy. Most of the class had arrived and there was a lot of whispering and staring at her. She ignored it, and got out a pencil and some writing paper to take down notes. Mercifully, Mr Mason started teaching the class then so attention was diverted away from her.

The bell rang and Daniella was waiting eagerly outside the classroom for her. They walked to their lockers, and got their violins, then walked to the music block, which was further than Amelia had anticipated. She sat on a bench for a little while, trying to regain her breath. Daniella told one of their classmates to tell the teacher that they would be late, and came to sit next to her. They slowly made their way to class. The teacher, Miss Monteverdi, was understanding and even told Amelia that she could leave her violin in her room after orchestra practice so that it was one less thing for her to carry – she had severe asthma so could relate to Amelia to an extent – and cheerfully signed her slip off, asking Amelia to play something for them, which she did willingly. True to Alice's prediction, she was asked to attend orchestra practices on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

After music, Amelia and Daniella put their violins back in their lockers and walked to Math class, meeting up with Narcisse and Amy on their way. Fortunately for Amelia, she was not too far behind in mathematics, so Mr Varner gave her some worksheets to do and hand in the next day. He also gave her a textbook and dismissed her. Apparently, he wasn't the friendliest of teachers. After Math was Science, which Amelia had alone. Narcisse, Amy and Daniella walked her to class as their next class, which they all had together, was a few doors down from hers. The science teacher, Mr Molina, was polite enough, also giving her some worksheets to complete. The class was busy with chemistry. She took the only free desk remaining, sitting next to a boy who introduced himself as Michael. He seemed nice enough, appearing interested in her oxygen concentrator which she had been lugging around all day.

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