First Down for the Girls~ Three

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A/N: Please, feel free to stare at the eye candy that is Tristan throughout any point in the chapter. ;)

The sign says Welcome to Leighton Sports Academy. But all I see is Welcome to Death.

Whitney pulls into the football camp parking lot, lowering her sunglasses, as she peers out the passenger side window. She quirks her eyebrow, fixed on the three guys drenching their heads with their water bottles, and moving out of the overbearing heat of the sun. "If only I could trade places with you..."

"The option is always open." I say, hopefully, spreading a long grin across my face.

Raine whips her head around, her stance emitting complete defiance. "Not happening, Ty. You're going through with this."

"Are you sure?" I attempt to place seeds of doubt. "I mean, I'm not that coordinated. I suck at football. The guys will see through my rouse the moment I step onto the field."

"Don't worry. The plan is perfect." Raine brushes off my concern. "You go in there. Get close to Evan. See what he's like when he's not around me. See how he acts, what he says. Anything sketchy, and I mean anything, report back to me. And once the summer is over, you will have the money to get your car, and you will have expended the least amount of energy to do so. It's so simple."

It's never that simple.

"Are you ready?" Whitney asks, and I nod in a very unconvinced manner. She turns the rearview mirror towards me, so I can get a look at my face. "Take a long look, Tyler. This is you for the next two weeks."

I run my fingers through the wig, letting the artificial strands fall over my eyelashes. Whitney's right. This is only for a couple of weeks. Only but so much can happen in that time span. So I bite the inside of my cheeks slightly to square out my jaw, before opening the backseat door. I clear my throat and turn on my deep voice, and say, "I'm ready."

I jump out the backseat, passing a quick wave at them over my shoulder, as the back out of the lot. Immidiately, I feel a tugging at my pants, as gravity causes me to recognize just how low I have them. They are practically held up by my belt at my thighs, making the bright yellow spongebob boxers with the words "Let's Get Spongy!" across the butt very visible.

The camp is no different than I expected. Multiple cabins encircle the large football field in the middle of the wooded propety. I walk up to one of the cabins marked 'Office' and open the door, leading to a long desk. An older gray-headed man sends me a smile. "Hi, what can I do for you?"

I remind myself to use the male voice. "Hi, um, my name is Tyler Usti..." Gosh, what was that last name?

"Oh!" He says suddenly. "You must be the one who entered in late." He sorts through a messy stack of papers. "Here's your locker and cabin number."

After I walk out of the office, I looked for my cabin, which is far from simple. All the cabins were completely identical, down to the same mysterious streams of liquid, dripping off the molded wood siding. "Cabin B. Cabin B. Cabin B." I repeat, until I am in front of the building.

I already regret going inside from the loud sound of music blasting from the cabin. Of course, the one cabin I was assigned to, just has to be the wildest. Life treats me so well.

I open the door, expecting some sort of wild party animals dancing on top of the bed. It was much worse. With what I believed to be Raine's doing (I really need to figure out how she has these connections) I spot Evan on the bottom bunk, attempting to do a very pathetic Jimi Hendrix impression. On the top, I see another boy, throwing his clothes off the bed, and onto the giant pile of soiled clothes below. And to my displeasure, I can only watch in agony as the bathroom door swings open.

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