I check my phone and I have a new kik message from Jay.
Jay: I like how you tell my boyfriend the stuff I told YOU. That was supposed to be kept to yourself, this is why I don't have girl friends. Bye. Have a nice life. And then you tell other people like Antwon?
Me: okay first of all who is Antwon? And I didn't tell your boyfriend, he already knew. I did confirm it though. And I don't go back and forth between y'all but I'm not gonna lie either. We are all grown enough to be real with each other. But if you wanna leave that's cool.
*no response*
Me: So you're gonna read my message and not respond? Especially after I just told you I didn't do it. You could at least tell me why you think I told Antwon.
Jay: nothing you good, you told my boyfriend what I said.
Me: that's not true. Someone else showed him a screenshot and he sent it to me.
Jay: I know. I said stuff at the wrong time Ima just go MIA for a while.
I had to take a minute to realize what just happened. He is a whole bitch for that. Him and Jay have been on and off for a while and to sum up the next part of the convo they have both decided to cut me off. Apparently I'm causing issues in their relationship. To me they only believe this because they both come to me for advice and I keep telling them to break up. A break up seems like a valid solution to their problem. They have a very unhealthy relationship but if they don't wanna take my advice then fuck them. Consider them both BLOCKED.
I go on my Instagram and see Valzhane giving people shout outs, and that's when I see him. I said self, myself said hmm, I said omg that's zeblen. I know what you're thinking "haha, zeblen what a funny name." Zeblen and I went to elementary school together and he had the BIGGEST crush on me. Funny, younger me pulled way more than older me and I'm way prettier now. Anyways, I shot him down because I wasn't attracted to him...like at all. His voice made him sound like Donald Duck. But THIS Zeblen, the 2k16 version is...woah. The glo up was very real. I go on his page and press the follow button and of course not even a minute later I get a notification saying he followed me back. Not even a minute after that was he in my DMs.
Zeblen: Shannon?
Me: yep lol hey
Zeblen: wow, I'm so speechless right now
Zeblen: I thought I'll never see you again
Me: surpriiiise!!!
Zeblen: lol how have you been
Me: I've been pretty good hbu?
Zeblen: Almost had a heart attack a few minutes ago but I think I'll be okay
*other various messages*
Me: True so how has life been?
Zeblen: Life has been a struggle but at the same time spectacular. Life has brought trials and tribulations but at the same time smiles and strong relations, so I guess life has been pretty okay for me. Wbu?
Me: Well life is life so it's pretty good lol. I like how you got so in depth.
*more various messages*
Zeblen: lol ok ok calm down I'm just playing. I'm in all Pre IB classes and I might be in one AB class next year.
Me: lol I'm in IB
Zeblen: lucky lol but I have a big chance of being in an AP class next year so yea!
Me: that's really good
Zeblen: thank you, and good job to you as well for being in IB classes your freshman year that's astonishing but I shouldn't be surprised because I'm talking to Shannon here, "one of the smartest...." wait no lemme rephrase that...The smartest girl I know
Me: well actually....I've been in IB since 6th grade.
It's really good to catch up with him again...did I respond to Dave? Lol no I didn't but he didn't seem to mind either.... Dave is....well Dave. He's kinda awkward but he knows it so that's good. He's not too good with girls either which is weird considering the fact he's been quite the ladies man lately. Also he flirts with me a lot but I don't think he knows it. Anyways I go back to our texts messages and he's talking about notorious B.I.G. Reading his last message I couldn't help but to laugh. I have no idea why I did, but I found it extremely funny. Then we start talking about my problems, which I have a lot of. But like Zeblen said, life does have a lot of trials and tribulations. I don't know why I let stuff get to me I'm a freaking princess who knows her worth and I'm done wasting my time on people who don't deserve me. All of these new people coming into my life are messing me up. I spend too much time trying to establish new relationships when the ones I have now are all I need. In with the old, out with the new.