Is it possible?

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Daphne arrived to Bay's room just in time to see Bay doubled over pain. She was vomiting violently. "Oh my god" Daphne rushed over to Bay, pulling her long black hair back so it wouldn't get anything in it. Daphne gently rubbed Bay's back as she kept vomiting for several more seconds. When she was done she wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, grimacing with disgust, and sat up. "Daphne... I" Daphne quieted her "It's okay... It's nerves. Totally normal" she started to sign another word but Bay's signing cut her off. "My periods several days late..." Bay paused to look at Daphne's expression "Could it be possible that I'm ... that I'm" Bay couldn't bring herself to sign the word let alone say it. Daphne dug through her purse. Looking for something. When she found it she handed it to Bay. "You carry these in your purse?" Bay asked, looking at Daphne with a confused and shocked expression. "Just in case anyone ever needs one." Daphne shrugged "You never know" Bay went to the bathroom across from her room a few minutes  later and "Oh my god" Daphne couldn't hear her, thank god, but everyone else could. "Bay? Everything alright in there?" It was Regina. "Yea everything's fine." Bay tried her best to steady her voice "Can you get Daphne?" Regina nodded "Sure honey" Daphne sat on Bay's bed, frustrated with herself for not being able to hear Bay if she were calling for her. "Daphne" Daphne looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder "Bay was looking for you" Before Regina could finish her signing Daphne had already entered the bathroom. Regina stood there a look of pure shock on her face. Bay sat on the floor of the bathroom, she shook her head "This could not have happened" she said this phrase over again, hoping ever so desperately that it wasn't real. Daphne sank down to join her. "Let me see" she said and Bay passed her the test. Daphne's heart sank, this was more then Bay could handle at the given time. She already had so much on her shoulders, a baby on the way wasn't going to help the situation.

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