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"Shh shh it's okay. We will figure this out I promise." Bay looked up at Daphne with clouded, tearful eyes. "Everything will be alright" Daphne whispered soothingly, wiping Bay's tear away with her thumb. The girls had come so far since they first met and they were practically like sisters now. Bay stood, throwing the test in the trash. Bay turned around, locking eyes with Daphne. Daphne knew what Bay was trying to convey to her "We'll do it together. Okay?" Daphne asked gently, offering Bay her hand. Bay took it and Daphne gently squeezed her hand. "So who first?" Daphne asked, taking her hand away in order to sign. Bay knew who she wanted to tell first, but it wasn't Regina, it was the woman who'd raised her since birth. "K-A-T-H-R-Y-N
Five minutes later Bay sat next to Kathryn with Daphne on the other side of her. "What's this about? Are you okay?" Kathryn's voice held worry. Bay locked her eyes on the upholstery of the couch before she spoke. "I'm fine..." But her voice betrayed her and Kathryn looked at her, lifting Bay's head to meet her eyes "Bay.." Bay took a breath "But there's something else I need to tell you" Kathryn's eyes looked to Daphne who only smiled weakly. "Okay" Kathryn said as calmly as she could. "What is it?" Bay looked around to make sure her dad wasn't lurking around "T-Tank got me pregnant.. I'm pregnant mom" Bay's eyes filled with fear and tears as her mother searched for words to say. "Mom... I" Kathryn took Bay's hand in hers letting Bay know she would be there for her. Bay rested her head on her mothers shoulder. Kathryn's light orange hair matches Daphne's to a tee. The thought made Bay want to vomit. She felt so different from the woman who's hand she held but she was just as much a mother to her as Regina was. Kathryn had raised her for gods sake. "Oh god dad" Bay groaned softly when she heard footsteps from upstairs, tears pricked her eyes again. Kathryn squeezed Bay's hand gently "I'll take care of dad.. You focus on taking care of yourself. Go on upstairs and I'll talk to dad" Bay nodded and motioned for Daphne to follow her. No one said a word to John except for his wife when he reached the bottom of the staircase "John.. We need to talk"

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