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A/N: this will now be following azalea's story. Ciel will be in  it again later on listen to the song again.

slowly, I read the note. over and over and over again. and every time i read it my heart broke a little bit more. I tipped the box over, and something fell out. It was a little golden locket.

so I took the note and folded it, then placed it into the locket. Tears were still flooding my sight. I hated Ciel, he took alois from me. I got up and grabbed alois' purple jacket, then slowly made my way out of the house.

"my lady, we're leaving." Sebastian told me, but I  just stared. "no." I replied, why should i have to leave.

"excuse me?" he asked, the look on his face almost...angry. I laughed without humor. "you're leaving. not me." I said as I walked back into the house, I looked behind me and saw Ciel sneering and Sebastian leading him to the carriage. And as I stepped inside I was met by the servants.

"Azalea... we knew how much you meant to alois, we will be glad to be your servants and give you the house." Hannah said as the triplets nodded.

"T-The house?" and they just kept nodding. "Okay, for a little while I guess.

The first little while was alright I guess, but everything reminded me of him. And it got to the point that six months later, I had to leave. I packed my bags and explained everything to the servants.

"I cant do this anymore, you have the house. I'm only taking half the money, but it just all reminds me of-of him." I said as I left out the door. the only things I had left were my clothes, money, the locket and the coat of his.

With a heavy heart, I left. Now I was alone walking the streets.

"Welcome! Welcome! To the Noah's Ark Circus!!!!"

Suddenly a voice transfixed me, a circus sounded nice I guess.

Being at the circus sounded nice, but what about being in it?

I walked up to the man he had ginger hair and a fake hand that looked like a skeleton. "Excuse me? S-Sir?" I asked as he looked at me.

"can I be in your circus?"

"I suppose you could try. throw the knives."

i smiled and picked a knife up, then threw it but realized he wasn't paying attention. so i threw five more and pinned him to the wall.

he smiled nervously. "Welcome, Dove."

An Unlikely Story: A Black Butler fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now