Innocent Fool

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 Part One 

I tried my best to avoid eye contact with him, but he continued on to watch me, knowing that I had noticed. Pretending not to care, I continued writing my essay, but something inside fluttered, both with interest and anxiety.

He was the new guy in class, everyone liked him. Everyone but me, his pretentious arrogant personality followed him around like a shadow. He knew he was attractive and he played to it. With masses of thick curly black hair, ghostly translucent skin, innocent bulbous eyes and sharp facial features. All finished off with a muscular torso, he looked like a model, leading armies of annoying giddy girls to cluster around him everywhere he went.

I couldn’t care less. I couldn’t care of boy or relationships at all. After my good observation on life, I had come to the conclusion that the temporary delusion of this thing, love, was not worth it at all.  

I continued tapping away on the keyboard, writing various lines for my poetry portfolio, but everything seemed soppy and stupid. Annoyed by his continuous staring, and my writers block, I reached into my bag for my favourite chocolate milkshake. It was the last one left in the fridge, I knew my annoying brother had wanted it too, but I had managed to get to it before him.

I devoured the taste of the liquid that tantalised my tongue. As the temptation to glance at him rose. Continuing to drink, I gained the courage and took a swift glance at him. Leading our eyes to meet. His dark black oil-like eyes bore into my soul furiously. My heart drummed against my chest automatically. Both shocked and embarrassed, I chocked on my drink. Coughing and spluttering the brown drink everywhere, to also consequently meet his sniggers. I acted normal, avoiding eye contact. After wiping up the table, I leapt up for a quick departure. However, as I walked out, something inside me winced with pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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