You Kitten.

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Alex in her bathing suit.

Sorry no dedications yet...


Stark's POV

We walked outside and seen this sexy ass little chick that had black hair. She was in a bikini. The bikini had lips on the boob parts and when she walked away with us unnoticed, I seen that the ass said 'Bite Me'. Oh how I would like to kitten. Oh how I would like to. Wait what the fuck was she doing here? And where is Alex? I thought she would be here. She said she was going to be outback.

The little hottie did a couple laps, back dives, and frontflips. I can do those too but she is still pretty good. Then she walked up to the diving board again. She walked down it, turned around and jumped high in the air. She ended this motion with a triple back flip. I can do four but still I'm kinda impressed.

Then as she hit the water below Zane's loud mouth opened and he yelled at her. She responded and I told her, "Wicked triple backflip."

She smiled at me and said something to Zane. Her voice is so familiar. Anyways she went underwater and swam to the ladder. She came up for air but went under again to slick back her hair. She didn't pause getting out. She just swung herself up the ladder with all the water dripping off of her. Damn she was fine.

Anyways her and Zane argued then she said something that registered. She called him a nut loving ass clown. Shit. The only person who says that is Alex. But that can't be Alex. Alex isn't exactly fit. Ya she is pretty but definitely not this hot. Or sexy.

Zane stormed off. Ethan said something and walked inside and me and Brandon followed.

Alex's POV

What the fuck?!
Who and the hell is in my room, grabbing me like I'm their girlfriend?

Then it hit me. It has to be Jason. He jokes around like this all the time. Except he has never seen me this naked. Nobody has.

"Jason, I know I look better then before and all but you gotta keep your hands to yourself." I said calmly.

"Guess again kitten." Starks voice sounded behind me.

"Stark?!" I ask and pushed out of his arms. He is my brothers best friend. And he is a player. I don't think I should let this happen.

"Yep." He said popping the 'p'.

"What the hell?" Why in the world is he in my room hugging a almost naked me?!

"I came in here to see you. See how you were doing. I was going to scare you when you go out of the shower...but then you came out like this..." He said with a smirk, eyeing me up and down.

"I-I'm gonna g-go ch-change n-now." I said taking a step back toward my dresser.

He took a step forward as I took my step back. One of his equaling two of my he quickly had my up against the wall.

" smell amazing." He said with a sigh, trailing his nose up and down my jaw line.

"Th-thanks-s I g-guess..." I stuttered and trailed off.

"Do you fine me attractive, Alex?" He said calmly. God his voice could melt steal it was so hot.

I couldn't open my mouth to speak and I just stood there staring at him.

"Do you, kitten?"

"I can't because you are my brothers best friend." I said with a weak wobbly tone that said 'hell ya I find you SEXY as hell!!!'.

"He don't have to know." Stark mused and planted a trails of light kisses up my neck. I stiffen when he comes close to my soft spot below my jaw bone. He sensed and kisses all around it but never on it.

"What do you want Stark?" I asked with a disgruntled tone.

"Hmhmhm. You kitten." He said in an alluring voice.

I looked him in the eye and shook my head no. "No, your a player. I don't go for players." God I want to though.

"Who told you that. I've only ever had sex with girls that I've dated. Or wanted to be a one night stand." He said with a confused expression.

"How many girls have you dated?" I asked.

"7 in the last 3 years, why?" He asked looking my in the face.

"I've never seen you with a girlfriend before."

"I never said that they went to our school." He said and kisses my jaw.

"You practically live in my house and I've never seen you with a girlfriend." I said.

He ignored my question and kiss my neck again this time down the side of my next far from my soft spot.

"You'll be mine." He said and walked out.


Can I ask what just happened?



Voice yo thoughts.

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