Chapter Seven - Nathan's Lucky Charm

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We landed in L.A and a man came inside. "Hey Nano!" The boys hugged him, then the girls. "Nano, this is Ashley, Ashley this is Nano. Our day-to-day manager." Max introduced. "Hi," I said and shook his hand.

"IS THAT OUR RIDE?!" Nathan asked

"ITS FUCKING LIMO!!!" Kels shouted.

"Lets go to our house! I'm so excited!!!" Tom said and rubbed his hands together.

"Not so fast. You have to stay in a hotel today, do a gig and an interview" Nano said

"NOOO!!!!" All the boys whined. We started laughing. "Where as the girls, will be going for" Nano handed 3 tickets to Nareesha ''Iron Man 3''

"Hey! That's not fair! How is that they get to watch a movie and not us?"

"Unlike you, the girls have no interviews or anything....."

"UGH! This sucks!" Nathan said. "Dont worry boys, we'll tell Robert Downey that you guys were busy." Kels joked.

We went to the car....i mean limo. The camera man sat in front with the driver. i sat in between Jay and Max.

"Nano? Do we get to go to a movie?" Jay asked.

"Nope!" he said.

We reached and went inside our rooms. Mine was next to Jay's on the 2nd floor. Siva's was next to Tom's and opposite Tom's was Nathan's and next to him was Max on the 6th floor. Only Jay and I were on the 2nd floor.

I had a bath and got ready for the movie. The movie was at 3:30 and now its 1:45pm. I wore a purple top with white shorts and shoes. I grabbed my purse and went up to Kelsey's room.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded and Nareesha came. "Lets go....bye guys!" All of them crossed their hands and went inside their own rooms.....without even saying bye. "Well, that was weird...." I said.

We went downstairs and Big Kev drove us to the mall.

Nathan's POV:

I cant believe Ashley went for a movie, without me!! My lucky charm just drove away for a movie, leaving me with bad luck! Its true though, whenever Ashley is with me, everything goes perfectly. 5 days back we had a gig and Ashley wasn't with me. I dropped juice on my shirt! I had to go home shirtless! And today, something horrible is gonna happen!

It was 5 and the girls hadn't come back yet. I wore my suit and tie. I did my hair and we went down. "Give up for The Wanted!!" The whole hotel screamed.

"She wants me to come over I can tell her eyes don't lie, she's calling me in the dark...." I started. And, you know me, I start dancing and all, so when the boys were singing, I moved backwards and  tripped on the wire!

The boys were laughing and singing. I was on the floor and "She's moving to the beat of my heart we're so lost until tonight" I stood up "Tonight"  I was laughing like a mad person.

" I said, people

we're all looking for love tonight

But, sometimes we can't see it, we're all blinded by the light

And we all get low, all get low,

searching for that piece of mind

Just when I've given up, looking for some kind inside, that's when I found you"

After the song was over. "O my god, that was so embarrassing." I laughed. "Well, anyways, thanks for being here guys, we really appreciate it" we said and got of stage.

We went back upstairs and changed into casual clothes and Nano drove us to the radio station.

Ashley's Pov:

We finished seeing the movie. "That was awesome!" I said. "Now, how about some shopping?" Nareesha asked.

While we were shopping at Target, I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so-" I stopped when I looked at him. "Tyler..." I whispered under my breath, "Ashley! i'm so happy to see you," he was about to hug me but I walked away. "Ashley!" he called out,

I ran to Kelsey and Nareesha, "Ashley!" he called again. "Kelsey!" i found them in Jack Wills. "Girls, can we please go back?" i asked

"Why?" Kelsey asked. "Tyler" i replied. "Who's Tyler?" Nareesha asked. "Hello" a voice said. I turned around and Tyler was smirking at me. Nareesha and Kelsey looked up to him and Tyler's smile faded. "You're kelsey Hardwick!" he exclaimed. "My sister Amanda is a huge fan of The Wanted." he lied. "By the way, I'm Tyler. Ashley's boyfriend" i rolled my eyes at him.

Big Kev came from behind. "girls, the boys are calling you back." he said. "Sure, Kev. Be there in 5" i said. He nodded and made his way to the parking lot.

"You nev-" Nareesha was cut off by Kelsey saying "Well! I guess we should leave." kelsey said. "Sure, bye. Come on Ashley" Tyler said. What the fuck is wrong with him? "Sorry, I'm going with them. You see Tyler. I'm done with you, so im just gonna go back to The Wanted's house. Bye asshole" i said and we left.

"Ashley. Who was he?" Nareesha asked. We told Nareesha everything.  "You sure got one hell of a sister!" Big Kev said.

"Well, step-sister." i said. "That's even worse!" We laughed at Kev's words. My phone buzzed

Nathan: Where r u, my lucky charm?

Me: almost there. and what lucky charm?

Nathan: you r offically my lucky charm. i'll explain once you get back.

Me: ok. :)

I went back to my room. I kept my purse and went up to nathan's room. "So, what's this lucky charm shit?" i asked

"You see, today, while we were performing i tripped." i started laughing. "And remember when we had that gig 5 days ago and you went with Lucy to Brighton? I dropped juice on my shirt and i had to go home shirtless! And in the interview today on the radio, i BURPED! I mean what else is left to happen? When you're with me, everything is perfect!" Nathan exclaimed

"I do not know why I'm your Lucky Charm. That's one weird story" i said

"So, how was you're day?"

"Good. Untill Tyler showed up"

"WHAT!? What happened?"

"Well, he thought Nareesha and Kelsey dont know me so he said that I'm his girlfriend and his sister amanda is a huge fan. And then, you boys called."

"Good thing i called on the right time." he said

"Then, you're my lucky charm." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight" i said and went down to my room.

I couldn't wait to go to the new house!


sorry it took a while to upload!

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