Return Home (Gertalia) (HRExItaly)

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Italy stood outside of Austrias house. All the cleaning he had done lately made him a bit tired. He wished to be outside, luckily today Austria let him. Little Italy looked around as he sat on a hill taking in views. He wondered where his friend was, latly He and Holy Roman Empire met up a lot. Today was no different from the others, was it? Italy shrugged it off and began walking down the hill. On the way down he saw his friend," Hey Holy Rome!" He said as he ran towards his. Holy Rome blushed a bit and greeted his friend. "Ah hey Italy, how are you? You look good today," he responded. Italy smiled,"I'm doing good, where were you? And why are your men with you? Well never mind come on let's go paint or draw." Holy Rome paused and took Italy's arm,"Wait-Wait please, Italy I'm sorry I can't. I have something to tell you...." Italy looked puzzled," what? Well it's ok, I'll listen."
Return Home by Kuro Kinzoku

I stood amid the grassy field,
Eyes aimed at my lover.
He faced me eyes full of guilt,
A secret, did I wonder.

He looked back at me,
Took my hands,
And held them very close.
His eyes met mine,
Silence fell until he spoke.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you,
That I must go to war.
I would have told you sooner,
But your love I can't ignore.

Please don't worry for me,
I'll return back soon.
I'll fight the fight,
Win the war,
And return home to you.

My eyes each dropped a single tear,
I gave a little smile.
He handed me his handkerchief,
I hugged him for a while.

I soon let go and said goodbye,
But just before he left,
I handed him my special broom,
From the day that we first met.

He took it with a smile,
He then yelled out,"take care."
I waved him off and wished him luck,
Until he disappeared.

I'm not too worried for him,
He is very strong and brave.
I just have to wait patiently,
He may return home today.

Italy looked at Holy Rome,"When you come back.... Can we be the best of friends?"
Holy Rome hugged Italy and gave a slight laugh as he replied," hah of course we can Italy. I promise when I get back we can be The BEST of friends." After they finished he left, Italy waited after that for his friend. Italy never heared from Holy Rome ever again, but soon a strange guy arrived. A guy who had no memory of his past. Italy gave a big smile, he couldn't tell the guy what his past was. But Italy knew who he was," Ciao Germany," he said,"I'm Italy, I hope we can be the best of friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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