Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Liz's POV

As I walked out of Marcel's house and into his car I thought to myself 'mabey this project isn't so bad after all?'

He started the car and turned to me with a smile. "What?" I asked sort of rudly. Ok I have to admit that was rude, I saw a pang of hurt on his face then I felt guilty.

"Sorry marcel, I didn't mean to be rude like that." I rubbed his back a little and he flinched.

"S-sorry." He mumbled and we got to my house and I pulled out a piece of paper.

"Here marcel, um call me sometime k. But just so you know getting my phone number dosent mean were friends." I explained. He frowned slightly then road off.

I sighed and heard the door open. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! You worthless child!" My dad screamed.

Crud I forgot about the time! I ran into the house but my dad stopped me. "Where do you think your going!" My dad throw me into the house.

I quickly looked in my pockets for my phone when I remembered I left it at Marcel's house. "Someone please help me!" I screamed.

My dad put his hand over my mouth and started beating me. I was screaming in pain. Then I noticed a tall figure in the window. "Help please!" I shouted. My dad closed the curtins and countinued beating me.


I woke up early so I could get out if here. I noticed that I had dry blood on me, and tear stains. "Oh come on." I groaned.

I quickly took a shower and got ready. I put on my white sneakers, blue shorts, and white t-shirt. I put my hair into a high ponytail and got my stuff and ran outside.

Once I got to school I noticed marcel was already standing there. "Hey why you here so early?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

He noticed me and hugged me shockingly. "Are you ok?! I saw what happened!" He mumbled into my hair. Did he, please tell me he didn't.

"What are you talking about?" I asked pushing him off of me.

"I saw what happened." He sat down and patted a seat next to him.

"What d-did you see." I felt tears forming.

"I saw your dad hitting you, I went to go drop off your phone when I heard you screaming and crying. I was really scared. And here's your phone." He handed me my phone back.

I couldn't help it anymore I let the tears fall and I crashed into Marcel's arms. "He dose it so often. People think I have the perfect life but I don't!" I cried.

I told marcel everything. He looked at me with sorry and shock, a good mix. Then we started telling things about are selves. "We'll if you must know my full name it's marcel Harry Edwards styles." He smiled.

"Also can you keep a secret?" He looked into my eyes. I shook my head up and down.

"My real voice is this." His voice changed from a nerdy studdered voice to a raspy smooth voice.

"Why didn't you tell anyone." I asked in shock. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I like this voice much better than that old one. Hey are we cool?" I finally asked. He smiled and blushed.

"Yeah we're cool." He patted my back and left to get to school. I sat there thinking to myself, 'is he going tell anyone?'

But this is marcel, he dosent tell people secrets. As I walked into to class my perky friend came up to me.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed.

"Danny, use your words!" I calmed her down.

"Louis, asked me out!" She cheered.

Louis was the most popular guy in school, I was dating Niall, Louis best friend.

"I'm so happy for you! Hey I've got to go." I hugged her and went straight to marcel.

I went up to his ear and whispered "I need to stay at your place for a while." I begged.

"Alright, see you later." He patted my head and went to his first class.

As we walked in to are first class Niall was wait bye my desk. "Hey babe, I just wanted to see you before my first class." He gave me a long kiss and pulled away.

"Alright, I love you Niall." I gave him one more kiss.

"I love you too, bye." He gave me a quick peck on the check and left.

I looked over at marcel who had a hurt look. "You ok?" I asked reaching over to rub his back.

He flinched and sat down. "Are you that used to people beating you?" I asked.

He just shook his head. "Yeah, but it's ok." He shrugged.

"I'm really sorry marcel, and don't tell anyone about my dad ok." I looked at my desk.

"I promise. Also, are you a foster child?" He asked with a sad look in his eyes.

"How did you know?" I asked shocked.

"I can just tell, hey can you give me a makeover?" He looked at his books.








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