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"Look at me being so naughty!"- Winston Bishop



Full Name: Winston Bishop

Other names he's known by on the show: Theodore K. Mullins, Brown Lightning, Prank Sinatra, Winstonial, Bunny Money, Shrimp Forks, Winnie the Fish

Winston Bishop AKA Brown Lightning (all will be explained) is an ex basketball player who used to play in Latvia. Winston was a roommate of the loft, but when he moved to Latvia Coach moved in and when Coach left Winston was no longer needed in Latvia (after 2 years) so could move back.

When Winston moved back he had no knowledge of what had been going on in the states. Going to job interviews was hard considering he had no knowledge of the last 2 years, so he went knowledge crazy watching films, reading old news etc.

Winston is sometimes the maturest one in the loft, although that doesn't mean he's the sanest. Winston can be serious when he has to be and is known to give decent advice. Has the most common sense.

Winston is from Chicago. He has black hair and brown eyes and is African-American. His mother is Charmaine and he has a sister Alisha.

When Winston was at school he was a bully, with his own catch phrase "Brown Lightning" which is what he referred to himself as.

When Winston goes on a journey alone he likes to sing songs from the musical Wicked. He seems to know all the words so he obviously does it a lot.

Winston hasn't had as many love interests as the others with Shelby and Daisy, and even the woman from the Indian dating convention making a pass at him.

In season two Winston gets a job as a radio show presented when he demands it because he's convinced he's going to die.

Facts: Winston believes in Santa and werewolves. Winston loves the fruity girly drinks Nick makes, but he gets really weird when he drinks them. He loves pranks but sucks at them. He's afraid of the dark. He loves bubbles and bath tubs. He lost his virginity to a prostitute. He loves to explore time and space.



Comment your favourite Winston moment below!


Dedicated to @TheIntrovertt ! This girl is seriously proper awesome! We literally talk about everything....everything like normal people wouldn't understand our conversations! I've been wattpad friends with her for a while, I'm not sure who followed who first but I'm so glad they did because I love just being random with her. One day we will win our Nobel Prize, we are's gonna be legen-wait-for-it-dary! Rocking up in our skinnies and converses with NPH in tow, yeah, we're the cool kinda nerds! Anyway, she loves New Girl too which is kind of an essential if you want to talk to, who doesn't like NG?

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