3 Months Later

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You haven't heard from Zacky, and you really needed to talk to him. Brian was bugging you about him, and it hurt you to lie. Plus, the new life that you were carrying, was kicking hard against your stomach, begging for it's daddy to know it existed. You eventually tried to call Zacky, but he never picked up. At this time, you decided to call The Rev. All you heard was ringing, until Jimmy's voice overtook the phone. ''Hello!?'' he yelled. You could tell be was in a crowded place by the noise in the background. ''Hello, is Zacky there?'' you asked hopeful. ''Yea one sec.'' you waited for awhile and the loud noise was gone. They probably went outside. ''Hello?'' this was the first time you heard Zacky's voice, ever since the argument. Your voice was shaky and you were nervous. ''Zackybaby, please come home. I miss and love you so much and so does baby Brian.'' You could heat Zacky sigh. ''Please....'' you repeated. ''Yeah babe. I'll be there in an hour. I need to get my stuff 2gether.''

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