Chapter 13-Interrogation

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Piper's ring above
Piper's POV
Kai opened a black velvet box, revealing a beautiful white gold ring. It had a large diamond, with two smaller ones on the sides, and the metal was shaped in intricate patterns around the diamonds. I gasped in shock. Kai waited patiently for my answer.
"Yes," I mumbled, nodding my head in case he couldn't hear me.
Kai's mouth stretched into a wide grin. He pulled me onto his lap in the driver's seat and kissed me passionately. I opened my mouth wider for him, and his tongue danced with mine as he pulled me closer to him. I straddled his hips, stretching my body out against him. The shirt hiked up, revealing most of my thighs. He groaned, reaching between us. I gasped and jerked into his touch when his hand landed on my ass firmly. My back pressed against the wheel, and the car honked. I yelped in fright, and Kai laughed under me. I glared at him before laughing with him.
Kai fixed his shirt on me so it covered my body and let me crawl back into the passenger seat. He reached for my hand and I gave it to him, resting our joined hands on my thigh and leaning into the seat. I drifted to sleep as we pulled out of the parking lot.
I woke up to familiar sparks on my body as Kai carried me upstairs. I grinned sleepily and snuggled into his chest.
He took me into his room and set me on my feet. I leaned against the wall, too tired to hold up my own weight. He touched my cheek and I leaned into his hand.
"You need sleep, love," he murmured. "You've had a long day."
I pouted at him. "I don't have my pajamas on."
Kai chuckled at me. "You can barely stand, Piper," he told me.
"I'm aware," I said, struggling to keep my eyes open. "Change me."
He gulped, but went to get my clothes. Without taking the shirt off, he pulled on my panties and shorts. He lifted up the shirt and put one of my camisoles on me, trying to avoid looking at my chest more than necessary.
"God," Kai groaned. "Don't ever get drunk. This is too tempting."
I giggled, leaning into him. He placed his hands on my butt and lifted me up to lay me down on the bed. He tucked me in, and as he left my side I reached out and grabbed his arm. He stopped immediately and looked at me.
"No, Kai," I pleaded. "Don't leave."
"Never, love," he promised. "I'm just going to my side of the bed." I whimpered. He sighed in frustration. "You're completely illogical," he groaned, and I giggled again. Kai climbed over my body to his side of the bed, careful not to put his weight on me. He got under the blankets, and I turned over to lay on his chest. Kai wrapped his arms around me, one on my waist and the other on my upper back. "Better?" Kai asked.
"Much," I smiled, before falling asleep quickly.
I woke up early, the sun not yet shining in the window. I freed myself from Kai's hold without waking him up. I stretched and yawned, and made my way downstairs.
I decided to make breakfast for the six of us. I made chocolate chip peanut butter pancakes and was finishing some eggs and bacon when I heard someone coming down the stairs.
I turned to face them, seeing Kai rush towards me. He hugged me to his body tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him sniff my neck over my mark. I knew something was wrong. He was only wearing his boxers.
"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling back a bit to look in his eyes.
He sighed. "I woke up because I couldn't smell you," Kai explained. "It was too faint, like you left. I felt your side of the bed, and you were gone. You scared me, love. Don't do that again. Wake me up next time, please, and spare me the panic."
I nodded obediently.
I saw Sadie walk downstairs, with Oliver at her heels. She laughed.
"I see Kai figured out what it's like to wake up without his mate," Oliver laughed, looking pointedly at Kai's lack of clothes. I growled lowly, and Kai chuckled at me. Holly was out of control this morning.
"What's for breakfast?" Sienna asked, coming downstairs with Beckett.
"Bacon, eggs, and pancakes," I replied.
I brought some plates down and handed one to each of them. The guys ate like pigs, and I'm glad I made plenty. They went back for seconds, and Beckett and Kai for thirds, arguing they had to have enough energy to discuss what would happen now, after the attack. Apparently Beckett and Oliver took a few Rogues prisoner, and Kai was planning an interrogation, and to possibly make a public example of them.
I was invited to the meeting as Luna. Beckett and Oliver weren't invited, we were only meeting with the pack elders. We needed answers about a possible Rogue pack, but the meeting ended quickly with no answers to help my and Kai's decision.
"Are you saying there has never been a Rogue pack before?!" Kai roared angrily. The white-haired man cowered from him.
"Yes, Alpha," he confirmed with a shaky voice.
"Kai, calm down," I said, stroking his arm. He calmed a bit but not much, still glaring at the poor man. "His argument makes sense. Rogues are Rogues because they want to avoid pack life. It makes no sense that they would, in a matter of weeks, assemble a strong pack, and pick leaders."
Kai nodded his head, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. The man looked at me with grateful eyes and I smiled at him.
"Time to question the Rogues then, love," Kai said, dismissing the elders. I walked them to the door, smiling and thanking them for coming.
"It's like Yin and Yang," one of them whispered.
"Except the Luna is the level-headed one," another laughed.
I smiled to myself, and shut the door behind them. I took Kai's hand, and he lead me out the back door to the cells.
A heavy metal door guarded the entrance in a natural rock ledge. Two guards immediately opened the door upon Kai's request, murmuring, "Yes, Alpha."
It took both large men to pry the door open. I gaped. The door opened to a tunnel leading to a stairway, dank and dark. Kai took out a flashlight and shined it into the tunnel before pulling me inside behind him.
We descended the stairs to the cells. The three at the end of a long hallway were occupied with grungy looking men. Grungy, even for Rogues.
They watched us with suspicious eyes. Kai slightly hid me from view behind him. They were enclosed in rat - infested cells with silver bars, but Kai was still overprotective.
"We've come to gather information on your pack," Kai declared in his Alpha voice. "The sooner you comply, the sooner you may leave."
The guy on the right spat in Kai's face. I gasped in shock. His fists clenched at his sides. "Let's start with you, then," Kai said dangerously. I was purring uncontrollably, and the males were amused.
"Tame your Alpha, Luna," the man at the end of the hallway called. Kai growled at the challenge.
Kai took the Rogue on the right out of his cell, shoving him forwards into a small room and tying him to a chair with silver chains. I followed without saying anything about the rough treatment. Their pack almost killed Kai.
"Alright," Kai barked, gesturing me forwards. I was to question him.
"Why did you come to our territory?" I asked.
"I think you know why," the Rogue scowled.
Kai jerked his arm back and punched him in the jaw. He howled in pain.
"Let's try that again," I barked. "Why did you come?"
"My Alpha wants you," he said quickly.
"And who's your Alpha?" I asked.
The Rogue gulped, eyeing Kai to see if he could evade the question. Kai's hands balled into fists and his muscles bulged against his shirt. The Rogue was obviously intimidated, he cleared his throat to speak.
"I think you know him," the Rogue whispered nervously to me. "His name is Jude."
Now that's a cliffhanger! Comment, vote, share, read. I'm going to try to post as many chapters as I can on nights when I don't have a lot of homework. Goodnight everyone, love you all!

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