Last Day of School

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A/N hey guys! before you start reading this chapter and the rest of the book the twins call Harry Dad and Louis Papa! most of the story will be Darcy's POV too. Everyone will have there own POV but for the most part it will be Darcy! so now that you know that enjoy! and please give me feed back and vote! thanks:)

*15 years in the future* Darcy's POV:

why was there light shining through my window?


"shit.." I mumbled while jumping out of bed and running to Will's room.

"WILL GET UP NOW WERE LATE FOR THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"ugh ill meet you at the door in a minute." he whisper shouted.

I ran back to my room and started changing into my clothes, doing my makeup, and fixing my hair. I guess ill have to leave my hair natural today... oh well! I'm not that popular at my school so it doesn't really matter! that's probably the biggest difference in me and my brother. he's tall, green eyes, popular, a lot of confidence, athletic, and the girls drool over him everywhere he goes! I, on the other hand, am short, have blue eyes, shy, not popular, as far as athleticism goes I only ride horses,and I don't get a lot of guy action.

I picked my phone up to text Uncle Liam since he takes every one to school in the mornings.

To: Uncle Payno

Hey me and will are running a little late. we will be at your house in ten minutes! sorry xx

I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. when I went into the kitchen Will was already down there stuffing his face. how typical...Ii poured a bowl of cereal for myself and started eating as fast as possible. I was able to finish with about two minutes to spare. I grabbed my purse, backpack, and shoes and ran out the door with Will right behind me. thank god all my uncles live next door! I knocked and rang the door bell for about two minutes with no answer. I pulled out my phone to call him when I noticed he texted me.

From: Uncle Payno

Good morning love. I already took everyone else to school and am at the gym now. Go to Niall's, I'm sure he will take you and William! have a good last day of school love! xx

Of course! wow Last day of school and I'm going to be late! I put my phone in my purse, told Will, then sprinted to Uncle Niall's. I banged on the door as hard as I could and after about a minute he opened the door with his mouth full of food.

"Hey, can you give us a ride to school? we woke up late and Liam already left and we are already late!" I said as fast as I could.

"I guess but I'm not ready!" its true he was standing in a pair of boxers.

"Just put some sweatpants on and we will meet you in the car! give me your keys." he nodded and tossed me the keys for his porche. we got in the car and started it up. not long after my uncle joined us and we took off! thankfully our school is only 5 minutes away so we will make it before the second bell!

Once we got to school I quickly thanked uncle Niall and left. I hated school but I wanted to see my friends one more time before summer! school wasn't easy for me because of the fact that I have two dads AND they are still famous, so I get most of the bullying out of me and Will since I'm a lot smaller and Will is a jock on our football team with tons of friends and also no one is stupid enough to try and make fun of him. It sucks but thankfully I have either Will, Ashton, or Sara in all of my classes and they help with a lot of the harassing problems. I don't know what I would do with out them!


After school ended, I went straight home to change into my riding clothes to meet Ashton at the barn. Alex, Sara, and Ashton were really on edge and pretty emotional today which is rare. I couldn't quite figure out why so I guess ill ask them later.

I walked inside and my dad was on his computer. he turned around with a smirk on his face. "I heard you woke up late? Niall came over for lunch and had a fit because he didn't get to finish eating his breakfast."

"yea my alarm clock didn't go off!" I exclaimed. "Me and Ashton are going to the barn so ill be back for dinner."

"Ok love have fun! be careful with Ellie she has a show tomorrow." he said. but even his tone sounded off!

What's Going on?

I went up to my room and started to change into my riding things and after I was done I got my helmet and was on my way! when I arrived Ashton was already in the pasture trying to get her horse, Dreamer. I put my things down and got Ellie's lead rope and a carrot.

"hey boo!" Ashton called out as I maneuvered over to her.

"heyyyy! do you know where Ellie is? usually she is right next to me as soon as I get in the pasture." I questioned.

"oh she's in her stall, I don't think your papa took her out this morning." she said while coming up to me with Dreamer in tow. oh god this is gonna suck! she's going to go crazy!

"oh ok well do you wanna come up with me?" Ashton nodded. I held the gate for her then closed it. the walk back to the barn was silent which was weird because Ashton is usually really talkative. why is everyone acting so weird?!


after we finished up at the barn I headed home to prepare for my sleepover! once I got home my parents were both in the living room with Will.

"Darcy we need to talk..."

oh no...

A/N uh oh cliffhanger!! :o so this chapter was a complete filler so sorry about that but the chapters will hopefully start picking up soon! 2 votes and ill post the next chapter! thanks I love you guys!!(:

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