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A/N HELLOOOO my little minions! I hope you guys like this chapter!:) Please give my some feedback! love you guys:)


After we finished up at the barn I headed home to prepare for my sleepover! Once I got home my parents were both in the living room with Will.

"Darcy we need to talk..."

Oh no...


"So management called us in for a emergency meeting today and they told us we were going on a comeback tour in two weeks," my dad explained to us. I was shocked at first but was happy for my parents and uncles. I would really miss them but it was probably just for the summer.

"Well that's great I'm happy for you guys! but why is everyone acting so weird?" Saying the last part more so to my self then any one else.

 "Well the thing is that you both have to come and we will be gone for eight months..." My jaw dropped and I was wide eyed. I felt tears starting to form but quickly blinked them away. I looked over to Will and his head was in his hands.

"What about school and my friends? I cant leave! This isn't fair!" I yelled then stormed to my room, slamming the door.

Wills POV***


We heard after Darc ran off. She was absolutely furious! I put my head back in my hands and began to let a few tears fall into my hands. I was going to be the starter striker on my school football team this year! Now I've wasted all my practicing because I wasn't going to even be here! How could they do this to me? I've waited all my life to finally be the star striker and they take it away just like that?!

Before I knew it I was full on crying. I felt a large hand on my back rubbing circles and trying to sooth me. I knew it was my dads, I slowly looked up towards him and realized my papa wasn't here anymore, I guess he probably went to comfort Darc. I whispered. "Why?"

"We knew you guys weren't going to like it at first but we promise you will love it when we start! I know its hard for you because of football but if we are on tour we can go to football games and we might even be able to work it to going to some of the conditioning and practices for some of your favorite football teams!" He finished excitedly!

I felt a little bit better after he said that. Going on tour with a big band would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Fortunately, my best friend was also Zayn's son which meant he would becoming with us! Ashton and Sara will also be coming but I guess my sister got caught up in the moment and didn't realize that. I really hope she's okay.

Louis' POV***

After hearing the door slam and Will burying his head back in his hands, I looked at Haz and he nodded. I stood up and headed up stairs to go see my only daughter. I knew she would probably be a little upset but I definitely didn't expect her to blow us on us and then leave!

I knocked on her door and heard a muffled voice. I cracked open the door so I could poke my head in. She was lying on her bed with her head in her pillows crying as hard as she could. I felt horrible for having to rip her away from everything she knew. Although, we don't really have a say in this stuff I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. I walked over sitting on her bed and began trying to soothe her by rubbing her back in circles. She finally relaxed and stopped crying and pulled her head up to look at me. I gave her a small sympathetic smile.

"Why do we have to go?" She asked as if she were the most fragile person in the world. I was heart broken from seeing my baby girl like this.

"Because management told us we had to. We Forgot after 20 years our contract was renewed, which was the other day, so we didn't have much of choice. But its so much fun Darc! your going to love it I promise! you get to travel all over the world and you also are going to have Sara and Ashton!" after I said that she got a little bit happier. I was so happy, I didn't know how much more of her being upset I could handle!

"Oh yea I forgot! I guess that makes it a little better." she exclaimed. I was relieved that she felt better!

"Well good! know your going to love it, you just have to give it a chance I promise! also dinner will be ready soon." I said giving her a hug while standing up.

Wow what a day!

A/N HIIIIII I hope you guys liked it! Again please leave feed back and vote!! I love you my little minions:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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