Bang.. Bang..

19 1 0

Imagine a white picket fence, green healthy grass, bright blue skies daily, and a sun that blazed upon the surface.
Now take out the white picket fence and replace it with a metal gate.
Take out the healthy green grass and replace it with dry, dirt ridden weeds and dead grass
Take out the bright blue skies and replace it with grey clouds.
The sun? You can leave that.


Leslie lived in the part of New york where everyday was rarely a sunny one. She rarely ever noticed yet it seemed like the weather would make her act a different way.
Sunny? Smiles.
Cloudy? Frown.
Rain? Relaxation.
Thunder and Rain? Nervous.

   Today wasn't filled with weather, ut was filled with tension. Lots if tension.

Her parents were arguing, and pacing back and forth. They had paced so much they made the floor boards creek.

I wonder what's the matter. She thought to herself.

Her mother made her fill a barbie suitcase with an extension handle with all her little things. The suitcase had wheels and Leslie would use it to carry all her Bratz dolls inside of it. Leslie thought they were making her go over their grandmothers house.

What's so bad about mama's house? She thought to herself.

Leslie and Her parents were all in the living room, Leslie was forced to watch them bicker and pace with agitation.

"What have you gotten us into, Michael?!" Her mother yelled, There were tears streaming down her face and her nose was a bright red colour.

"If worst comes to worse, You all leave!.. You all get the hell out of here! What's so hard about that?!" Her father retorted.

Her mother blew hot air, and glared at him.

"You're asking us to leave you? If you weren't so damn stupid, We wouldn't have to!.. And where are we to go?! Huh, Michael?! Where!" Her mother threw her arms in the air in fustration, once again, beginning to pace. She chewed at her press on french tip manicured nails.

"Just leave.. If they come. Take Leslie. And leave." He informed, going to a dresser by the door, pulling out a gun.

"But mi-"
"Leave!" he yelled.

Where are we going?. She wanted to ask, yet she was taught to speak only when spoken too. 

A series of knocks came from the front door.

Leslie watched as her father put the gun in the back if his jeans then pulled his plaid button up shirt over it.

"C'mon babydoll. Let's go play with your dolls, Yeah?" Her mother coo'd as she hurridly scooped up her daughter and took her to her room.

Over her mothers shoulder, she watched as her father let men in all dressed in black, and holding big metal things. To young to understand what they were; Guns.


"How about this shirt for sasha?" Her mother held up a black doll sized crop top.

Leslie nodded, "I like that. " She simply said.
"Y'know babydoll, Sasha looks just like you." Her mother statex truthfully, while fixing the shirt onto the doll.

"What, Mommy?" She laughed and shaked her head furiously.

Infact, her mother was not telling a fib.

Leslie had a full head if black curly hair, Big hazel eyes, and her cheek bones were impeccable.  Though, her mother had the same features, Leslie's stood out more.

"Yes.. you're such a beautiful child. And mommy loves you so very much. " Her mother said, leaning over to place a loving kiss on her forehead.

"MONICA!" a scream came from down below.


Leslie and her mother both let out simultanious gasps.

Her mother recognized the eye wrenching sounds. A gun went off. Yet to leslie, a bookshelf must have fallen.

"Baby, i-i need you to t-take your suitcase, and go into the closet. Don't come out until i come and get you." Her mother told her, dragging her into the closet, tossing the suitcase in there with her.

"I love you mommy." Leslie said as she looked up at her lovely mother.

Leslie didn't know why she said it, but she felt the need to. She needed to say it, and she felt like her mother was leaving her. Leslie began to tear up, her face becoming hot.

"Mommy loves you too." Her mother leaned down, giving a kiss to her forehead.

It lingered. and then she vanished down below.

Leslie listened, and her mothers scream made her stiffen. She so badly wanted to run to her mothers side, instead she closed the closet doors and buried herself deeper inside.


again? Leslie thought to herself.
They need to be careful. Leslie sighed to herself and shook her head.

Leslie was in the closet for over an hour waiting for her mother, yet she never returned.

Leslie had never left the closet, in hopes her mother would return.

That night, Leslie slept in the closet, while those men carried her parents out to the back to burn the bodies. 


no family..

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