We meet again

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I ended up wearing a crop top that says geeks , high wasted shorts and some vans. I put on minimum makeup and jewlary , then head down stairs to go get a snack. I haven't really eaten all day just breakfast and a pretzel for lunch. I end up having some Nutella and some crackers.

I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth again then head to the party. The party was at any typical Mansion about 7-9 rooms and a lot of bathrooms. When I got into the house it was filed with drunk teenagers, with thier red cups and loud music. I spot Kimberly

"Hey bitch" I say to her

"Hey boo" she responds

"Have you seen Sam" as soon as I say that I feel a pair in hands on top on my eyes

"Guess who" Sam says

"Umm Obama, NO! , Betty White' I say to Sam

"No it's me" Sam tells me

He looked good , black pants , purple TopShop shirt , and white converse.

"umm should you like Dance Brittany

"I would love to " I say with a smile on My face. He smiled as we got on the dance floor.

Our bodies were moving together perfectly. He looked at me and leaned in , I thought he was going to kiss me so I puckered up my lips , but to my surprise his lips didn't land on my mouth it went to my ear

"I want you to meet somebody" he said

I knoded and he walked me to the back yard ,were it wasn't as full as inside the house

"Brittany meet Jc" I looked to see a boy about my age with beautiful brown Eyes and the best hair. He seemed like the perfect boy. But something about him was just to familiar.

"Hi" I say to Jc. WAIT..... Jc.....Jc Caylen. It can't be.

"Umm Jc what's your last name " I ask him. "Caylen why? "He said

"You seriously don't remember me Jc"

"Wait BRITTANY " He chuckled "long time no see B" he continues

"Yep you to "

Now I know what you are thinking how the hell do I know Jc. Well in the third grade me and Jc used to be friend like best friends. Until every one at school found out that my parents were gay and they started to bully me. They would push me and tell me that god made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. They would say that god doesn't like fags. Jc, the only friend that I had that I could trust ditched me and started teasing me two , so he wouldn't get bullied like me. This continued all elementary school until Jc moved science he parents got a divorce and the topic kinda died after that.

He never said sorry or anything like that. So I promised my self that I would hate Jc for as long as I will live

I leave thoughts as soon as sam puts his arm around me.

"So we are on for tomorrow right" I hear Sam say to Jc.

"Wait what"I say not know what is going on tomorrow

"Really Brittany weary you listening " San says all cocky and shit. I just stare at him, he ignore my stars and continues " me , you, and Jc are going to lunch tomorrow " he says like a smart ass. What the fuck has gone into him maybe it's the alcohol.

I look away at Sam a little embarrassed. That's went my eyes meet jc's. he was glaring at Sam. I mean Dafuq. What does he have in his pants.

"Umm I think I am going to home Sam "

"What the party just started" it kinda warmed me heart that he wanted me to stary so bad

"No it's past midnight and I don't want my dads to worry " I say a little awkwardly cuz I just mentions my gay dads

"Alright bye" I was about to turn around and heads toward the door when Sam hugged me like me were a couple hug. I just melted

"I will see you tonmorrow " Sam said

"Ok bye" I say again

I was about to leave when I hear Jc yell "Wait no good bye for me "

I turn around and give him the " really bitch no you don't a good bye" look. I turned around AGAIN then open the door to Leave AGAIN when I hear this

"Bye princes" Jc used to call me that before he started to bully me.

when I was in the first grade I used to always to dress like sleeping beauty to school and Jc allayed called me his princess and I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. That why I started to like him when I was little.

"Shut the fuck up jc , don't call me that again" and with that I left and got into my car and went home


Ok that was chapter 2 I hope y'all liked it thanks !!!!

Brittany xoxo

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