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As the remnants of the tragic memory's past kept lingering in his mind, he could never forget the look of horror on his mother's face and the limp bodies with white spots all over their skin littered the cobble pathway.

As he sat lonelily in his raggy room, it reminded him that he was all alone, no one to love him, no one to care for him.

As the bell chimed, he wearily stood up from his old bed covers and trudged outside his room, breakfast was served.

Food didn't delite him even the tiniest bit. It was lazily prepared and unsatisfying. The bread still had some sticky doe and some of them were burnt. It was rare to get a perfectly cooked dish in the orphanage. The caretaker never cares about the children. They make them do forced labor, only to let them stay.

If only they would let us cook our own food. He said annoyingly in his head and began to munch the burnt toast that was setted up on a plate, which had a few scratches and missing pieces on it.

The other kids emerged from the hallways and sat on their respective seats. No one expressed a feeling of joy, all were like zombies whom were all bored due to the lack of human flesh and brains. Atleast, that's what the visitors say. Although, the caretaker said that it meant that they were disciplined well.

The only exciting part of living in the orphanage was to get adopted. The freedom for this hell was good enough, than having small riches while you still lived in the place.

After everyone finished their disgusting breakfast, the bell chimed again while the rest of the kids proceeded to get their chores done. At the end of the day, the caretaker would go out of her office and inspect every place there is.

There was always a dark period of the day when the inspection was ongoing. Any kid who didn't do their work properly get kicked out. He managed to do things well, but day after day the work gets harder and tougher, almost everyday, a kid gets kicked out and left to starve along the streets, glared by the passerbys. They don't need their pity, they need their help, and yet, they didn't show any sign of generousity.

Another day, and another, the hell's flames continue to grow even stronger than ever, there were no exemptions.

Just then, more kids got adopted, and then . . . he was the only one left.

The only one that the people didn't like. He was the rebellous type that would go out on his way by himself. He avoided getting kicked out, but he faced severe punishments. That one time when he had to kneel on the beans, get locked in the closet, and even had to camp-out in the night.

The caretaker retired, and now he was alone again. The abandoned building was still stable and can support life, but it's atmosphere is too dark. He managed to feed and take care of himself, though it was really hard for him at that age. He got some help from a few children, they survived together, but hunger was too painful for all of them.

He was surprized when he woke up to a corpse lying beside him, this was no longer his friend, It had bite marks on the area of it's chest and fresh blood soaked it's rags. He looked to the other direction where a young man stood, towering above him, it seems he was the one who ate his friend.

He quickly sat up and tried to back away, but the canibal was too fast. He got him in the leg, which he held on so tight, his nails were now piercing his flesh. He screamed and struggled, but the canibal didn't care. As he opened his mouth, both of them heard a loud call and they were blinded by bright light.

How fortunate, two policemen who were going home for a break flashed their light at both of them, one held a stun gun and the other held a pistol, which was aimed at the canibal's chest.

"Stop this instant!" The first one commanded, pointing his pistol at the canibal. "Stop or I'll shoot!"

The canibal, which his pupils turned so small that you can barely see it, had screamed at the police in anger. He let go of the other's leg and began crawling to the two men. As he crawled faster, the concrete and his flesh had too much friction and his skin began to have scratches and bruises. But, he didn't care. He continued crawling and snaring at them.

The second police pushed his comrade's hand which held the pistol low and pulled out a weird gun, but as he aimed at the canibal and shot, what came out wasn't a bullet, but it was a dart, it injected a temporal paralysis drug that spread through-out his body like wild far and he fell limp on the solid concrete. He was still drooling in awe of the presence of blood and flesh.

Once they were both sure that the canibal was now unconcious, he approached the wimpering child at the back of the alley, curled up in a ball and covering his face.

"Don't worry kiddo, the maniac's gone. You have nothin' to worry about." He said.

The young child looked up from his arms and onto the man's face, it was a face of kindness and justice. He began feeling relieved, he was now safe.

But, what would he do after all these years of suffering, no place to live, no friends, no family, just him.

"Are you alone? Where are your parents?" The kind man spoke, his straight eyes staring unto him.

He couldn't think of any words to answer that man, instead, he broke into a momentum of stutters. He couldn't get his point out. All he could think of was the maniac's face and-

"You're an orphan then," he clarified. "Better come with us for a bit, you've withstand too much pressure in one night. The government shall decide for you. I'm sure they'll find you a good place."

At that moment, the kind man lifted the whimpering child onto his arms and carried him towards the car they'd just arrived. He settled the child onto the comfy cushions of the peaceful car and trudged towards the driver's seat.

His partner went in the passenger's seat after he did, securingly closing the door.

"Those canibals, they're an awful lot in this place." his partner breathed.

"You're quite right," he replied.

They drove over to the other side as a tall building showed up, which is more than 20 blocks. They parked over one of the driveways and they all got out.

The child had calmed down, atleast for now, they led the child inside the building and onto a large office where most of the records were kept.

I guess . . .
this will be the start of his new life.

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