I was just sitting and the day hadn't been much.
"Okay Aden, so tell me how long have you been here at Brittan Academy?"
"oh not really long just about since third grade."
I was lying. I only came here last year though she's new so she wouldn't know."owkay sow now as Aden have been in this school for six years. has been in this school... HAS, is a-"
madam Josephine started the lecture since I was the last person she interviewed. maybe because I was sitting at the last corner of our row, but mostly she just interviewed the new students which got me going because im an old student.
"now open your books and turwn it to page thuwree hundred sixtyfour."
everybody had started to get their books. I did get my book too. Stacy on the otherside has been quiet. I never knew how girls are really quiet because I never saw that habit in Lucy.
all i ever do is think.
that was the first thing I saw at p.364
"okay so now class please read the story and later on we will have a seatwork and as your homeworwk answer page 365.
it is time.
all I ever do is think. think about you.
we never had a chance. chance to love eachother.
we werent romeo and juliet.long time ago in western europe janesa gima had met a man.(ludwig jon)
the story was one of those long love stories again and everyone gave a sigh knowing it was just another long story to read.
Aden flipped to the next page and saw what their homework will be.
1. did Janesa ever go to Canada?
2. why did Jon take Fishing instead of Lawyer?
3. state jon and Janesa's missing son4. where did Janesa die that 4th of july?
what why is there dying here ?I thought this was a love story? okay lets just read the story. wow The story only occupied one page and didnt even get a half page or two pages but only one.it is time
all i ever do is think. think about you.
we never had a chance.
chance to love eachother.lets just skip
bliblablublablo oh whats this?that night janesa went out to the balkony facing all her fears and worries. she held a knife intending to commit suicide but then she realized her lifes worth.
Creda was behind her
ughh skip blabli blu bla wowowowow what the.."No dont do this Creda. you know more than this!"
Janesa pleaded"Yes Janesa it is your fate to die"
"why are you doing this Creda?"
"I love him and i am better to love than you"
Creda pushed Janesa her very own sister out to the broken window. not knowing where her sister fell she had cried on her knees wishing it had never happened.
I like you
Teen FictionAden Mcuther with a mediocre school life, meets the not so fame school hottie Stacy Brownfield. In relationship, Aden finds himself in a love triangle when Stacy sees him bonding with another girl. How will Aden fix this? or is it Aden who will fix...