chapter 20 - Art class

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Aden's POV

I never really cared about my lunch that noon. I felt sad that I just left it there being so mean because when I came back for it, it was already thrown away.

The noon class was about to start for about 20 mins so I had to go to my locker.

"Hey Alex"


I was glad to see Alex at the hall

"Now I just realize my locker wasn't far from you"
I said

"I thought you knew that all long?"

"Cow dude"

"What is it with you and Cows?"

"Its ma favorite expression"

"Seriously? Even expressions you have favorite?"

"Dude you asked"
I flashed back as I closed my locker

"Dude History subject is done"

"Oh thanks"
Alex was really caring for a friend

"Let's go before we even get late."

I felt silent for a while like it was peaceful with Alex. We walked solemnly.
But I didn't want to end it XD

"So hows Dary?"

"The chihuahua?"
He said with a deep voice

"Hahhahah yeah."

"Dude lets have cream cones later at dissmisal"

"Oh yeah sure that wo-"

Before I could finish we saw Stacy , Isabelle and Emily walking

"Hey Stacy"
I said automatically and not knowing I said that I felt nervous.

"Oh... Hi Aden"

The girls started to giggle and went straight ahead.

"Aren't they going to be late?"
Alex asked breaking my fangirl

"Nah.... Let them be late"
I said.

"Dude. You really like Stacy don't you"

Well Alex would help but he always brought the fangirl back.

"For the last time YES and why do you always ask that?"


"Hahahahhaha Staden."

"Shut up Alex"

"Staden staden staden staden"

I ran from Alex and we ran like kids towards the room and then I slipped

It was the wet floor and when I stepped forward it went straight forcing me to split.



"HAHAHAHAHAH these really suck now"

"You know it....would've ..... Been better .... If you help"
I said my voice pausing for the pain.

"Here take my hand"
I grabbed Alex hand and he swiped it away.


By that moment I remember my left leg. And tried to stand but nothing was painful so I stood up.

I grabbed Alex's shoulder and walked.

"Aden what is happening to you?"

"I don't know"

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