Wandering In A World Full Of Darkness

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Warning: This story has a negative space, and if you would not like that or have any issues with it, please skip this chapter. There will not be an A/N at the bottom of the page.

~Your P.O.V~

"I'm home!" I cried to my parents in the living room, but instead of going up the stairs, I placed the map inside a tray in the kitchen. The sound had echoed in the room and my mother asked me if I was looking for something. My response briefly told her that I placed the map inside the tray after looking at it. I went up the stairs to my bedroom, without a single noise being uttered. I bounded my way to the bed and slowly fell on top of it. I closed my eyes as I rolled myself to face the ceiling. The lights were switch off, which gave me an ominous chill. I looked around at the window. There were beads of rainwater attached the glass surface. I thought to myself, quite happily, "I hope Kosaki is back at home, I wouldn't want her to get wet in the cold rain."


I had returned from school the next day. For the last lesson of the day, I had 'English', though it was really simple because of the huge stacks of books I had learnt them from. It did take me several years, but I got the hang of it around last year. Kosaki had been able to say most of the words, but she usually messed up the l's and r's in speaking. Ruri, well she said most of those words right, but she didn't understand what they all meant. I sighed again. Life really is boring, will I ever find something interesting?

I wandered in those thoughts and found myself at the building's doorstep. I looked at the brown dirty mat in front of me and whipped my shoes clean. Taking the mat by a few of my fingers, I took it inside the house. I turned to my right and walked to the tumbling washing machine. It seemed that the clothes from yesterday morning were all washing right now. There was a table which we usually place a bucket on because the dirty clothes would be inside there and we would be able to just tip them all into the old washing machine. Since it was just a mat, I placed it on the table and went back up the stairs.

I opened the wooden door to inside. Everything was just the same, nothing changed, everything normal. I slowly fell onto the bed and sighed loudly. Life was so... ordinary, common, typical... I just wished something would change.

And that wish did come true.

I looked over at my desk and noticed a small paper, stuck on it. I don't remember how, but did somehow get out of bed and walked towards it. My eyes skimmed through the letters and I paused at the end of one of the sentences. My eyes; I could feel them starting to pour out watery teardrops and before I slumped onto the floor, my heartbeat had gotten reckless, making me skip a heartbeat. My breathing was out of control and I was suddenly seeing myself in a pool of black substance. I looked over at the flimsy paper. It was scrunched up and my tears had covered it in salty water. Blinking my watery eyes and shaking my head, I went to slowly pick the paper up to read it once more, to believe what I was seeing was not fake.


We, your father and mother, have come to a conclusion and will be on a business trip for a really long time. We do not know how long, but we won't be back for less than three years. I hope you do well in your studies and be well. I know, this business trip is very long, but I'm sure that you will survive it. You must study hard and be a good girl. I believe in you.

Your Mother and Father.

I stared at their signature, blotched black ink, spreading across the now wet paper. I tried reading it again, but it wasn't legible.

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