Chaper Two: Monday

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My alarm woke me up at 6:35 the next morning, just enough time to get ready for the first day at my new school. I pulled on the clothes i chose the night before- A loose grey T-shirt with tight blue jeans and a black and white scarf. I walked downstairs and-not surprisingly-my brother was already dressed and eating breakfast. My mom handed me my plate of pancakes. When I was done I slid on my black converse and climbed into my brothers car. He pulled up to the school and before I even got out my stomach was already doing flips. What if I embarrassed myself? Where would I eat lunch? What if no one liked me?  I slowly got out and me and my brother went to the office together.
"Hi its our first day and were not really sure where we're supposed to be." My brother said with a smile. The kind secretary gave us a map and handed us our schedules. She circled our first couple classes in a bright yellow marker and pointed us in the right direction.


"Room 231" i said to my brother "this is me"
My first class was history, which was good I have always loved history. i walked in the room and the whole class went silent.
"You must be Mia! I'm Mrs. Varden! Welcome to West high!"
"uh yeah, thanks" I replied 
"Go have a seat right there beside George"
I followed her finger to the seat beside a blonde, friendly looking boy... That must be George. I sat down beside him and he flashed me a smile, I smiled back politely... He was kinda cute. After history I went to math then I had lunch.

 I walked out to the courtyard after getting my lunch and was overwhelmed by the amount of ciaos, there was students everywhere throwing footballs and skateboarding around the yard. I immediately felt overwhelmed and felt tears prick my eyes . I ran around a corner behind the school and took a few deep breaths with the tears threatening to spill out. I knew I was overreacting but I couldn't help it. Suddenly the door beside me leading to somewhere in the school flew open almost hitting me, a loud gasp escaped my lips. A tall dark haired boy wearing tight black jeans, a white T-shirt and a grey beanie walked pulling his sunglasses over his eyes and flipping his keys in his hand. He looked at me, but just kept walking. 

''That's nice" I mumbled to myself concerning the fact that he didn't even apologize for almost decapitating me with the door. He screeched out of his parking spot and drove very briskly out of the school parking lot. 

I had just finished my last  period class when my phone buzzed indicating that I received a text message. I looked down to see what it said. 

Graham: Mia, I'm staying after school for a bit with this guy I met in science hes going to help me catch up in order to keep my 'A' average. I'm really sorry but you are going to have to walk home okay? You can try to call mom but I think shes working late today. I'm sorry again. Love you.

Me: Ugh, okay. I'll see you at home. 

That's so typical of him to make me walk home I headed to my locker which took my a good five minutes to find cause I am completely lost in this school, grabbed my homework and headed for the front door. It wasn't a long walk home it was only 20 minutes. A perfect amount of time to reflect on how bad my day was. 

I turned down my street relieved to see my house down the road. I kept walking when a car came turning into the house beside mine. I was kinda interested to see our new neighbors. I started walking up my drive way when I heard the car door slam I looked over at the house and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was the jerk who almost hit me with the door at lunch. I have to admit he was handsome now that I could see him without my life flashing before my eyes. He didn't see me standing there staring at him as he pushed his key into his front door and let himself into his house. After he got inside I opened my front door and went inside the kitchen seeing a note attached to the fridge it was from my father. 

"MIA, Your mother and I were just home. We decided to go out with a few friends from work. We won't be home til late. Your brother told us he was staying out for dinner, so it looks like you will be home by yourself. There is money on the counter for pizza or anything else you may want to order in. Please send me a text when you get home so I know you get home safe. Love you. "

I looked to the counter and sure enough there was 50$ waiting for me. I pulled out my phone. It was only 4:00. I decided to read out on my balcony. I walked outside bringing my comfy chair and sat down. Just as I opened the book I heard someone talking from below. 

"Like I know half the shit shes talking about right? I've already failed the course twice. What makes her think i'm gonna pass it this time!" A guy was saying 

"Maybe you would pass if you actually paid attention in the class" 

I looked down to see it was the same boy from lunch who replied. They kept talking and I kept staring at him, taking in every word he was saying like he was talking to me. Suddenly my phone rang in my hand it startled me so much I dropped it off the balcony into our backyard. Fuck. Both the boys looked up to see where the noise was coming from. I quickly got off of my seat and went downstairs into the backyard. I could hear them talking as I went to retrieve my phone. 

"New neighbors" They both laughed. I didn't get why they were laughing. Was it because I dropped my phone? I brushed it off and returned my fathers call. 


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