A Christmas gift

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Disclaimer- There might be swearing I'll try my best.:D lets do dis thang

*le sigh* Periods...    The thing that your clothing is based around. No seriously girl you know what I'm talking about. When it's the time of month skirts and white pants/jeans (anything) are definitely out. Also why the fuck does it come at the most inconvenient times I mean c'mon!

Me- Ok it's Christmas next week, so help me GOD if I get "IT".
Period- Oh it's Christmas next week *evil laugh*
The day before Christmas
Period-Merry Christmas MOTHERFUCKER

I'm not even joking that's exactly what happened to me last year. -_- I was pretty annoyed but I had an excuse to act like a total beòtch. 👍🏻

Well there you have it the first chapter of Gurl Logic XD anyway "see" you soon.

Erin Out👋🏻

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