Texting With Friends

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"Him" = Mah Crush (not gonna use names)

Me: *With a friend* *Receives txt* *thinks* I wonder who it is?
Friend: Who is it?
Me: *Looks at phone* OH MY GOD
Friend: Who's it from?
Me: "Him"
Friend: Really???????
Me: Yus! What should I say back
Friend: Well what did he say
Me: Well he said Hi
Friend: Well then say hi back.
Me: Well I don't want it to seem like I'm copying him so should I say hi like a kawaii hi (HAI) or hi with multiple i's?
Friend: hmmmmm
Me: Ok your taking to long it's already been five minutes I don't want him to get of his phone so I'm going with kawaii hi *texts "Him" Hai*
*no reply*
Both: UGH

Well there you go I'm not saying every girl does this but some do (including me) anyway that's it for now

Erin Out👋🏻

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