Chapter 1

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Morgan's POV

As I walked through the cafiteria I scanned the room to find my friends sitting at our regular table, people cleared out of my way like I was royalty and it really bothered me. You could say I was the it girl, the one everyone envied but I hated being that girl. You always have so much pressure on you to be perfect. you can't even make the slightest mistake without the whole school hearing about it within seconds, and you always have to look perfect. It's rediculous. As I'm looking around the room I see marcel he's known as the school nerd. He's my boyfriend harrys brother. I feel really bad for him because he's actually really sweet. But no one gives him a chance. I decide to go sit next to him. My friends and harry give me a strange look as I pass them and sat with Marcel.

" Hey!" I chirp to marcel.

He looks up from the book he's reading and just stares at me for a second.

" how come you're not sitting with you're friends?" He asks

" cause you looked lonely."

" oh." He answered vaguely

" so how's life marcel?" I ask as I shove a forkful of salad in my mouth

He just stated back at me with that
' are you stupid? ' look.

" yeah that was a stupid question. How about you ask some questions first." I say.

" ok, uh what are your hobbies?"

" well I mostly do volley ball and singing."

" that's cool."

" yeah I guess."

" what do you do?" I ask.

" I read."

"Fun." I say sarcastically

" Well I don't really have much else to do, cause I don't have any friends."

" Well I'll be your friend!"

" are you serious?" He asks and furrows his brow.

"Yeah! You can never have too many friends!" I chirp

" but you're Morgan Foster, why would you hang out with the biggest nerd in the school, plus my brother would kill me if I hung out with you."

"Harry doesn't tell me who I can be friends with, and I enjoy your company." I say and Marcel smiles.

"Finally a smile." I say and he chuckles

"Hey morgan why are you sitting with that loser come sit with us!" Harry yells. Harry is honestly a huge jerk but he is really hot so yeah I stay with him. Don't you judge me.

"Ugh. Well I guess that's my cue, but we should hang out some time." I say and Marcel nods.

I pick up my tray and carry it over to the table with my friends.

"Why were you sitting with my brother?" Harry scoffs.

"Because I felt bad for him, he's honestly not that bad."

"Whatever as long as he wasn't flirting with you."

"Are you kidding that boy can barely get a sentence out in front of a girl, you have nothing to worry about harry." My friend amber laughs. Well with her I use the turn friend loosely with her.

"Shut up, I agree with morgan he seems nice." My best friend Chelsea says. Her and I are the only popular girls that aren't complete snobs and that's why I love her.

"Whatever lets talk about something else this conversation is a waist of air." Harry huffs.

I go to take a bite of my salad when amber shouts my name. I look up at her annoyed.

"What?"I snap.

"You're not seriously gonna eat that are you? Do you know how many calories that is?!" She exclaims.

"Not everyone wants to look like a stick, Amber." I say and roll my eyes.

"Whatever, just don't come crying to me when you can't fit your ass through a turnstile." She spits.

"Don't come crying to me when you're mistaken for Lindsay Lohan!" I snap back

Harry stifles a laugh while I angrily stab through my salad.

"Well babe I kinda agree with amber, it's not that easy to give you piggy back rides anymore." Harry says.

No he didn't.

"What the hell did you just say to me?! You know you can be a real asshole some times harry! But you know what I think I've lost my appetite, happy now?" I spit at Harry as I get up to throw away my food. As I walk to the trash can a tear slips from my eye and i see marcel look at me with sympathy I quickly wipe the tear away. I head back to the table and keep my head down.

"Look babe I'm really sorry, it was stupid of me to say that, I just kinda spoke with out thinking, please forgive me?" Harry asks and reaches for my hand but I pull away.

"It's gonna take more than an apology to make up for what you said." I snap

Harry just huffs and runs his hand through his curls. I sit silently until the bell rings dismissing us. Thank god lunch is over.

I get up and head to my next class, I smile to myself because I have it with marcel. He's so nice. Why can't harry be more like him?

Marcel stylesWhere stories live. Discover now