48. Let Me Just Talk to Her Player

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I woke up the next morning and felt alot better. I walk into the ketchen and saw Matt making Breakfast. " Goodmorning beautiful, Sleep well?" He ask. Yes I did, I said with a smile. "Good enough you go back home?" He ask. Yep, I said. "Good," He said. So we ate and got my bag pack. "Okay are you ready to go?" I am, I said. "Sure your not sick anymore?" He ask. I think so, I said kind of confused. " Good because this is long over due," He said. Huh? I ask as he pulled me into him and kissed me. We pulled away. Better? I ask. "Much," He said. I laughed. So I got into my car and Matt got into his. I got home about 15 minutes later. No one was there which was great since I have to do my school work from here.

I finally got it all done 3 hours later. " Jane are you home?" Mark Yelled. A yeah I'm right here, I said. "Oh sorry," He said. "Jane I'm so happy to see you," Sophia said. Um yay, Why? I ask. "Because I have exciting news," She said. Really what is it? I ask. Then Mark put his arm around her. "We're having a Girl!!!" She said excitedly. Oh my God thats awesome, I said as she gave me a hug. Well I guess we should go buy so girl things, I said. "Really?" She ask. "

Of course, I said. "Oh yay," She said. So do you guys know what your going to name her? I ask. "Yes, Gabbie Ryan Smith," She said with a big smile. Awww so your going to give her his last name, I said. " Yeah I thought about it and I thought it was a good idea," She said. That's great, I said. "Hey guys. Why is everyone so happy?" Greenlee ask. I look at Sophia. You can tell her, It's your news, I said. "Okay," Sophia said. "We are having a little girl," Sophia said with a smile to Greenlee. "Oh that's great," Greenlee said to her. " And we are going to name her Gabbie Ryan Smith," Sophia said. " Pretty name," Greenlee said to her.

So we all did our thing for the rest of the night and went to bed.










So you took Greenlee to school and then home today? I ask Mason. "yeah," He said. Thats new, I said. "Yeah I mean, I just don't want to mess anything up with her. I want to do everything right," He said. Are you going to date her? I ask. "I want to but I've only known her for 5 months," He said. "I want something like yours and Jane's relationship and I dont know how to do that," He said. Just be yourself, I said. "Wonder if she even likes me," He said. I could get Jane to ask her, I said. "Would be the right thing to do?" He ask.

Well she wouldn't know as long as Jane doesn't say , Oh yeah Mason told Matt to tell me to ask you if you like him more than a friend, I said in a different voice. And I know Jane wont say anything, I added. "Yeah I know she wont, But okay yeah ask Jane to ask Her," He said. Okay, I said. "BOYS!" Grandma yelled as she ran in. "Dang grandma dont scare us like that," Mason said. What's going on grandma? I ask. "Your aunt Mary and Cousin James are coming to visit," She said. Mason look at me. WHAT? I said. "I know Matthew that you guy dont get along but maybe yall can patch things up," She said.

Well tell them i send them my love, Because I'm leaving town, I said as I walk towards the door that leads to the gym. "Where will you be going?" She ask. Anywhere their not, I said.





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