The Domino Effect: Ares 1st POV

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{{Ok so the next chapter will also be an Ares chapter because this little doo-hickey thang ended up being waaaaaay longer than previously planned... Hehe... Soooooo, tell me what you think of it it's different from what the rest of the story has been. AND just to let you know the plot will actually start next chapter. I finally started it in the last Dustin chapter and now I shall actually pursue it!!!!! OH RATED PG-13 FOR INTENSE ABUSE SCENE!!!!

                                                                                                      ~Lusa Lulu}}


What did I do wrong?

Who was this man?

When was this going to stop?

How did I end up in this mess?

My lung burning and each breath I took were shredding them to pieces. The darkness around me was squeezing out small choked back whimpers giving my position away to the enemy, the one thing I didn't want to do. To my Dad.

No, he wasn't dad. I didn't know who this man was, but he wasn't Dad. Dad didn't do this kind of stuff. He cared for me, protected me, and loved me.

This man, no, this monster wasn't Dad, I couldn't even compare it to my Dad. This stranger was Father. A horrible creature that found enjoyment in watching others in pain, that's who Father was.

No, that wasn't it; Father didn't enjoy watching other people in pain. He enjoyed watching me in pain; there was no greater joy for this thing, my pain. Dad didn't enjoy it, Father did.

The door into the closet swung open and I immediately tensed up. A hand was on my head I could feel it covering my head. I heard this thing growl out some sort of insult before those wet, clammy hands twisted themselves into my hair. I didn't move though, not an inch, and in those few milliseconds everything around me slowed down. If I could have I would've taken that moment to take in my surroundings, find a way out, and be free.

But I couldn't, the pounding in my ears, my speeding heart rate, the tension in my hair, I couldn't concentrate of anything. It was taking all my brainpower just to remember how to take a shallow breath. All this and my will telling me to run, escape from this creature before anything happened, my fear holding me in place.

Then a burning pain erupted in my head as Father dragged me into in kitchen. I tried to suppress the cries, but I still yelped, my hands at my head trying to ease the pulling against my scalp. I clenched my eyes closed holding back my tears determined not to cry a single to tear tonight, but Father was already grinning.

I couldn't see him, but I could tell. Father always grinned madly when it heard my pained cries, or saw my face become distorted with pain. It was a mad look of insanity. A yellow grin that stretched across its face pulling the skin to its limits revealing all of this 'joy' he was feeling. Father's eyes would be bloodshot, its pupils overtaking its entire iris turning them into black pools of its madness.

It was the look that I feared the most.

I could tell It already had this expression plastered against Its face, and that was just from hearing me yelp.

The pressure on my head was suddenly gone and I found myself flung forward, I couldn't get my footing back. I tried, I really honestly tried to avoid the table in front of me, but my feet just wouldn't listen. Despite my best attempts the table kept getting closer and closer, and as I came down the edge of that table connected with my forehead.


Pain. That's all I could think at that moment. Even before my body hit the tiled floor I was curling into the fetal position, my hands pressing against my forehead.

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