Chapter Nine

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Included in the text is an address, probably his. I sigh and go to delete the message when my name is called. I stuff the phone back into my purse and go up to grab my order. I thank them and go back to my car. Once I have my seatbelt on I grab my phone again, and read the address. Before I know what I'm doing I'm pulling out of the parking lot and driving towards the address Harry gave me.

I am currently parked outside what I'm assuming to be Harry's apartment, arguing with myself about whether or not I should go in or turn around and go back home. 'Go in! Hear what he has to say!' My mind yells at me making me sigh. I look over to my passenger seat at the empty bag. I had eaten my burger and fries on the way here and just tossed the bag aside. I sigh loudly before taking the keys out of the ignition and stuff them into my pocket. I take one last look at myself in the rear view mirror and finally get out of my car. I take a deep breath and place a hair behind my ear as I walk up to the front door. I quickly walk to the elevator and press the up button. I stand there for about 2 minutes before the elevator dings and than opens. I step inside and grab my phone again. "4 floor, apartment 40B." I read again and press the fourth floor button, putting my phone into my back pocket. I'm out of the elevator in a minute and I look at the door in front of me. "33B." I take a right and continue walking until I reach the second last door on the left. "40B." I can feel my heart beat speed up as I cautiously knock on the door. I can hear someone walking towards the door and take one step back as the door opens, revealing Harry in sweatpants and a black shirt.
"You came..." He says with relief in his voice. I simply nod. "Right. Come in, please," I walk into the apartment, and look around while I kick my shoes off. Harry closes the door behind us and walks into the living room. I couldn't help but think about how good he looked in sweatpants...and black..."Shut up! He stood you up! Give him hell!" My mind screams at me helping me get the thoughts out of my head.
"So Harry. What came up last night? What stopped you from picking me up? Or calling me to cancel?" I get right into it, not wanting to be here long. Harry sighs and waits a moment before nodding towards the couch. I hesitate a moment before taking a seat on the coffee table while Harry sits on the couch.
"I...I was drunk. Niall had taken me out to a club earlier yesterday and before I could stop myself I was piss drunk...and I was three hours late for picking you up. I swear Madison I really wanted to take you out last night." He says, fiddling with the sliver rings on his fingers while doing so. I hadn't even noticed them until now.
"Madison?" Harry says after I didn't say anything. "Can you say something, please?" I sigh and rub my eyes with the back of my hands before answering. "I honestly don't know what to say Harry," He nods and I notice him biting his lower lip. was everything he did so attractive? I whine in my head before speaking again. "Who's Niall?" I don't know why that came out of my mouth but...
"He's my living mate. We've been friends for a while. I was nervous for our date so he thought a drink would loosen me up. But one drink turned into 20 and..." He stops after making his point.
"You were nervous? Why were you nervous? I seem like the kind of guy that goes on plenty of dates." I mumble blushing afterwards. God I hated my blushing! Harry smirks slightly at it but it disappears right after. "I was nervous because are beautiful, funny, and...and just...I was nervous of disappointing you." He admits surprising me. He was nervous of disappointing me? Me? I was more nervous of me embarrassing myself in front of him and him thinking I'm weird as fuck. I never thought...
"Harry...why on earth would you be nervous of disappointing me?" I build up the courage to say. He turns a slight shade of red and just stares at me for a moment.

"Harry? Why on earth would you be nervous of disappointing me?" She asks causing my face to heat up.
"Why...Madison you have no idea how hard it is for me. I am no...I am not the right guy for you so it's fairly easy to be nervous of disappointing you..." I stop when her eyeing my lips and my hands. I try to stop myself from doing something stupid but I can't help myself. I quickly lean in towards her and before she can say a word I roughly press my lips against her soft ones. She gasps against my mouth and I think she's going to pull away but to my surprise she brings a hand to the back of my neck, kissing me back. My hands find their way to her waist and I pull her off the coffee table to my lap. Not sure where to put her hand I grab the one that's not around my neck and place it on my thigh. I kiss her one more time on the mouth before placing gentle kisses on her nose, her cheek, and then finally her neck. I kiss just below her ear gently before moving a little closer to her jaw. I wait a moment before sucking gently. She gasps and as I continue to suck I feel her tug on my hair causing me to groan loudly. "Oh god..." She moans as I suck another spot before blowing gently causing her to shiver. 

She presses herself closer to me, accidentally brushing her crotch against mine

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She presses herself closer to me, accidentally brushing her crotch against mine. Hearing me moan lightly she brushes against me again and I can immediately feel myself getting hard. I grip her waist tightly and guide her to rock her hips against mine again. She moans again causing something inside me to snap. Suddenly I'm pushing her onto the couch and I'm in between her legs. My lips are roughly against her as she tugs on my hair again. I pull away only because I needed to breath and I roughly roll my hips into hers causing us both to moan. She pulls my face to hers again before kissing me. God. How did me telling her about why I was late for our date turn into this? Not that I'm complaining... I groan loudly when she presses a kiss to my neck. God how'd she learn that...I place my hand under her shirt and smile at the soft feel of her skin under my hand. I wait a moment before gripping the ends of her shirt before pulling it over her head and tossing it onto the coffee table. I moan at the sight of her in a bra and go to kiss her again when the apartment door flies open. She gasps underneath me and I press myself to her to cover her up as Niall stumbles in with some blonde. Luckily he doesn't notice us before he brings the blond to his room. I let out a sigh and look down at Madison. She's giggling and I smile. She bites her bottom lip which makes me groan again. "I...I uh...I need to get back. I have errands to run." She quietly says, trying to catch her breath. I nod and press another kiss to her lips before getting off her. I hand her shirt to her and sit back as she puts it on. I won't let her take no as an answer to walking her to her car as she's putting her shoes on. I surprise her by taking her hand in mine as we head for the elevator.

"Let me make it up to you. Please." I say as we're in the elevator. She bites her lip again and I ignore the fact that I wanted to push her against the wall and never let her go. "Fine. Tomorrow, 12:30. You can take me to lunch. I'll be waiting for you at my place." She says with a smirk as we exit the elevator. "Sounds like a plan." I smirk and we head for her car. Before I let her get in, I kiss her once again before letting her go. I wave goodbye before walking back inside as she drives away.

As I drive away from Harry's apartment I bring a finger to my now swollen lips and blush. God what has gotten into me. I'm not the girl who full on makes out with guys who made her cry 12 hours before. I knew it was wrong but I liked...I liked it. His lips just feel so amazing against mine and the way his hips...I stop myself as a now familiar feeling in my lower region returns. I make it back to my place in 30 minutes and rush inside to tell Alyssa everything. Only to remember that she was still at work. I sigh and flop down onto the couch just as my phone dings in my back pocket. I pull it out and smile at the text message.
Harry😊: did you enjoy that as I much as I did...x
I blush instantly before replying.
Me: is it bad if I say yes...
Harry😊: no's not bad x
I smile widely at the nickname before texting him back. We end up messaging each other for another half hour before I fall asleep on the couch.

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