I often think about death but I'm not one of those people that think death is such a beautiful thing. I'm just one of those curious people. What happens when we die? If your Christian your probably thinking "there is Heaven and Hell."
But if your an atheist you'd probably say "there isn't a heaven or a hell that's people trying to make a hell on earth."
which is true?
Have you noticed how many Christian schools there are and how many people are born just being taught about Christianity?
What if Christianity is completely incorrect but people believe it because that's all they were really taught and that's what their parents believe?
Just think about it have you ever heard a story so sickening, horrible, and disgusting but the person that did it thought they were doing the right thing? They believed what they were doing was perfectly fine. Maybe they were taught that it was justifying what's right...
If you took 88 newborn babies put them on a island and taught them that centuries ago the planet used to be a big potato. They are going to grow up thinking the world used to be a big potato because that was the only thing they were taught.
Plus some people are super confident in what they say, they always think they are right. Sometimes they are so confident that they convince you they are right even if they aren't.
Now if your Christian chances are your not even reading this anymore, but if you are your thinking "but there is proof that what the bible says is real."
But there is also scientific proof that it isn't real.
Here's a question why does money have worth? Answer is because we believe it does. That may of seemed irrelevant but not to me. I asked because maybe the only reason Christianity means so much is only because we believe it does.
Christians probably look at other religions and think "that's crazy why would you believe in something like that?" But chances are other religions think the same about you.
I know most people believe in Christianity than other religions but it doesn't matter how many or who believe it, it doesn't make it right.
There have been times were a teacher would ask a question and they'd say go to the right of the room if you think its right or go to the left if you think its wrong. Many people would follow the biggest crowd because they don't understand and the smallest crowd is right because the biggest crowd was just a bunch of people that just followed.
I don't want you to think I'm satanic and hate Christians because I have many Christian friends and I have been baptized. But to be honest I think I got baptized just to copy others...
But I don't know it's just a thought.

Just A Thought
De TodoThis is one of my many thoughts if you have something you want my opinion on just comment. Can't wait to get hate on my opinions ☺